Part 3: Chapter 7

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*daddy Marc... I mean... Marc above*

Sebastian, I fully expected to be at the school that next Monday. Ominis even, but when Marc strides through like he owned the place I was slightly confused.

"You shouldn't be here. You have actual stuff to do. Like actual Chief Auror stuff." I was sitting on one of the tables in my class room going over my lesson plan for the week.

"Nonsense. My baby sister is in danger by someone who I still think we should have taken care of years ago." He walked up to me and kissed the top of my head before looking around. "Sebastian and Ominis both insisted they get placed here while you figure out what you want to do."

I shrugged, "shouldn't we just.. kill him?"

"You did that once and it didn't work and now you no longer possess the power to deal with him."

"I mean, I hate him enough now... so I could be able to do it."

"Do you hate him or fear him.. it can't be both." Marc looked me in my eye and all I could do was shrug. "Figure that out. I'm going to speak with Headmaster Weasley. Enjoy your classes." He walked out as Sebastian walked in.

"You wearing that exact outfit will make it hard to teach."  I grinned at him. "Especially that shoulder holster. You know how I feel about that."

He walked over to me and put his hands on either side of me as he leaned in. "Maybe I wore it on purpose. Or maybe I wore it because it's my work uniform."

"If that's your work uniform I'm shocked wizards run away from you." He chuckled and leaned in to kiss me.

His lips were so warm and soft. I would have totally been okay continuously kissing them if it hadn't been for our son clearing his throat at the door. Sadly Sebastian pulled away and turned to greet his son.

"Eleazar! How did you sleep?" He asked him.

"I keep having nightmares of that guy."

I felt a tightness in my chest since I did as well the night before. "I'm sorry honey..." I said to him.

"Don't apologize, mum. I'll always protect you like dad does." Sebastian high-fived his son as El walked past him to get to his seat.

"That's my boy. I need to go to my post. So I'll see you two at lunch." Sebastian blew me one last kiss before leaving out the door.

"Can we talk about unicorns today?" Eleazar asked.

"That's usually not taught yet."

"It'll Cheer Newt up. I feel bad that my nightmares woke him up."

As if on que Newt walked in talking to someone I did recognize. "Leta.. I don't have you in this class."

Leta Lestrange. A distant cousin of mine but she was sweet. A lot sweeter then the rest of her family.

"Can I just sit in for today?" She asked sitting by the boys.

"I guess it won't hurt."

As class went on I began to notice more and more how the smallest sounds would make me jump.

Eleazar noticed it his whole class. When I ended his class he ran up to me and reached out to hand me something. I looked down at the badger niffler in my hands. "Oh... did you have that in your pocket?"

"Don't worry about it. I just wanted you to have this today. I think you need it." I smiled at my cute son.

"Thank you honey. Have fun at charms."

As he ran out I was left alone with my thoughts. I had about twenty minutes before my next class would come in. I thought to myself and nodded. "Let's go."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now