rely on me brother

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When I woke up to see if mbappe was with me he wasn't so I got up and brushed my teeth and went down
Stairs...I saw him cooking and getting ready for today's training...

Hakimi:hey kylian sorry if I got up late:(

Mbappe:no it's okay just come and eat I bet you are hungry 😉👍

Hakimi:yes I am thank you 😊😋🥺🥺🙏

Mbappe:it's okay am hungry to 😭😭🥺🥺

After we finished eating he cared me up stairs and gave me of his trianing jerseys... because it was to late to make I go home and get mines so he gave me one.. anyways we grabbed our stuff and went in his car....when we reached everyone was wondering why was I wearing kylians trianing jersey... One guy said
Guy:OHH MY GODDD MAYBE kylian is hakimis SUGAR DADDY

Both of us laughed because I know I had a wife and kids so that could never happened 😂😂

Either way we went for trianing and me and mbappe were just messing around.....not paying attention to what was happening....I was with the other guys when I notice a little Cat was on the field..I ran to kylian and both of us went to go pet the litte kitten 🥺🥺👐
After petting the kitten me and mbappe decided to run around the field together...soon enough I fall and landed on top of kylian I stay on top of him for a while....I could of move but for some reason I didn't..our other teammates started to make fun of us that we liked each other and that we were gay 🏳️‍🌈😂hearing that I quickly came off of kylian *both of our faces truned red*I said to them fuck off even if I liked kylian I couldn't get together with him I have a wife and kids ok am not gay...saying that I felt that I was saying something worng
After that I remember that trianing was finished so I decided to go home and rest....
Hakimi:you know what kylian I really need to go so see you tomorrow I gess

Mbappe: okay yeah me to I Actually need to go home to because am really tired and sleepy see you tomorrow 👋👋do you need a ride?? because I don't mind to care you

Hakimi:no am good...but thanks kyky I love you see you tomorrow ❤️❤️

Mbappe:yeah text you later❤️💙

Anyways I got in my car and drived to the hotel....I checked the time and it was 9:54...I already knew that hiba will kill me because...she may think I was with some chicks or something😒🙄I wasn't cheating on her she was the one cheating on me... I gave her the world and yet she still cheats on me
Few minutes later....

I Arrived home...

When I went inside it's was really dark so I went to put on the light

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When I went inside it's was really dark so I went to put on the light...but someone did for was hiba
(In my mind)🙄😒😅

Where were you??!!hiba said with a mad voice....

Hakimi: me well I was at one of my fri-
I was about to say friends house when
*She slapped me*
Hiba:I know your fucking lieing to me tell me the true now hakimi??!!

Hakimi:أنا أقول الحقيقة عما تتحدث عنه اللعنة
(I am telling the truth what the fuck are you talking about)

*I said in Arabic mad*

Hiba:are you FUCKING cheating one me tell me which bitch are you cheating me on??!!

Hakimi:what the hell are you saying no I will never cheat on you hiba your the one that's cheating on me!!??

Hiba:what are you talking about no am not...what are you gay ??!!!🏳️‍🌈😂

Hakimi:and what if I was gay what i would love to be gay??!!!

Hiba:your definitely cheating one m-

Hakimi:no you are bitch your the one that's cheating on me you can't lie to me I see the hickeys on your neck don't act like I can't see it I gave you the whole fucking world and this is how you repay know what hiba I think the best thing is to break up am sorry...

Hiba:what the fuck..what about our kids??!! don't you love them??!!

Hakimi:yeah I do I just don't want this to happened any more lesson hiba I don't Actually love you okay....I just married you because my dad thought that was better for me.... because I didn't have a girlfriend or a wife and I was the only one that didn't have a wife or a girlfriend so he decided to make I marry you because All of my brothers had wife's and girlfriends so he thought that was better for me...but I didn't want that I wanted to focus on my football cerer but he just insisted and insisted so I did it am sorry hiba...

Hiba: no it's okay I understand but what will we do with our kids??!!

Hakimi:you know what let's just act like we are still together...and then we will just decided who will take the custody of the kids okay right now I really need to go to sleep....

I went to go say goodnight to the kids and went to shower....when I finished I saw hiba in my room she came close to me and tryed to kiss..but I move my head..I said no I can't do this anymore..
She was about to say something but I just closed the door...I couldn't do this anymore first she cheating on me and now she wanted to try to kiss me.....
And Accused me of cheating when it was her...FUCK NO

I heard my phone buzz when I checked was kylian I said in my mind you know what I had a long day so why not answer him I opened his text and this is what he said....


Mbappe:hey are you awake hakimi???

Hakimi:yeah I am why you need something

Mbappe:wow rude enough:(

Hakimi:sorry I just had I big fight with my wife am not in a good mood right now sorry

Mbappe:no it's okay I understand are you okay??

Hakimi:why do you care about me so much???what did I do to deserve a good friend like you...I love you kylian thank you for being there for me in hard times I really appreciate it ❤️❤️💙💙😭😭🥺🥺

Mbappe:no it's okay I will always be here for you hakimi I love you too you can always trust me and rely on me brother I love you 🩵💙🩷 good night....

Liked by hakimi❤️

Hakimi:thank you kyky I ❤️ U

Liked by kylian ❤️
(Thank you kyky I ❤️ U

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