Gift of Love_144

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In a world where hearts collide,
Love emerges, a precious tide.
A rare gem, a fleeting dream,
Love's enchantment, supreme.

Love is rare, a gift divine,
A flame that burns, an eternal sign.
It blossoms like a tender flower,
Growing stronger with every hour.

It dances in the twilight's glow,
Whispering secrets, soft and low.
Love paints the sky with hues so bright,
Illuminating even the darkest night.

Love is rare, a celestial fire,
Binding souls with an unbreakable wire.
It knows no boundaries, no restrain,
Bringing solace in joy or pain.

Like a gentle breeze that kisses your face,
Love fills your heart with unending grace.
It lifts you up when you're feeling down,
Guiding your steps on solid ground.

Love is rare, a symphony's refrain,
Melting hearts with its sweet refrain.
It echoes in the depths of our being,
A constant reminder of the love we're seeing.

So cherish love, hold it tight,
For it's a treasure, shining bright.
In a world where love is rare,
Let it be the answer to every prayer.

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