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In all her life, Rayleigh never woke up in a metal caged elevator before.
She woke up, feeling like she was drowning in a small moving cage with the worst headache she thought she ever had. What the hell?—she thought, where am I?
Rayleigh groaned and looked around and saw boxes and bags in the cage. Most importantly, she saw her twin brother unconscious and soaked.
"Percy!" Rayleigh shook him. Percy woke up coughing what she was sure was water and he was gasping.
"What the Hades?" Percy asked, "Where are we?"
"I don't know, I just woke up," Rayleigh said. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she was sure it wasn't going to be good. She couldn't remember much and was struggling to think of a way out.

"I don't think we can't get out from here, we probably have to wait until the cage stops," Percy said.
Rayleigh nodded and sat next to him. She then noticed Percy and her were dry.
"Um, how did we just dry off?" Rayleigh asked.
"Uh..." Percy thought for a minute, "Dad, something to do with our dad."
Dad? Rayleigh thought. "Poseidon, that was dad's name."
"Who names their kid Poseidon? He's the god of the sea and it's a more complicated name," Percy said then froze. "Our dad's a god."
"Our father is Poseidon, we're demigods, and my girlfriend is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Percy smiled.
"Annabeth?" Rayleigh asked. At first she couldn't remember the girl, but then it came to her. "Oh! Annabeth Chase from Camp Half Blood, one of our first friends!"
Rayleigh and Percy smiled and talked about whatever they could remember. Rayleigh could remember her family, her name, her home, and so far another friend. Grover Underwood, a satyr who was her first friend. Everything else was kind of fuzzy and thinking any harder would make her headache worse.

"So, how long do you think we'll be here for?" Percy asked, "It's been like half an hour."
"If I knew, I would tell you." Rayleigh sighed.
"I wonder what's out there, I mean, look at how we're dressed, it's like one of those apocalyptic outfits from one of those zombie shows or games," Percy said.
Rayleigh looked down at herself and saw that Percy was right. They were wearing something that reminded her of a zombie movie or video game. She remembered she always loved apocalyptic worlds and wanted to explore one, but now it started to worry her. Both Rayleigh and her brother were taken by someone and put in a weird cage elevator going to gods knows where without most of their memories. Of course, she still wanted to explore an apocalyptic world, but not like this.

"Maybe there's an apocalypse and they sent us in with these clothes before they put us here." Rayleigh said.
"I'd rather them not take my clothes off of me," Percy said. "Let's just hope we put these on ourselves."
Rayleigh nodded in agreement. She did not want to think of someone putting clothes on her. It grossed and freaked her out.

Suddenly the cage started to go up faster. Rayleigh immediately grabbed Percy's arm and the cage floor. Percy moved Rayleigh closer to him and grabbed the cage wall. Finally the elevator stopped and everything was silent and dark.
"What in the Hades?" Rayleigh asked. She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a pen as if it was instant. Rayleigh didn't question it and pulled the cap off. The pen turned into a bronze sword with a slight glow.
Rayleigh turned to her brother and saw he had a sword identical to hers.
"When did we get pens that turn into swords?" Rayleigh asked.
"Who knows," Percy said, "but at least we have our own weapons, we don't know what's up there."

Then there was a loud clanking sound above them and the doors to the cage were opened. Light poured in, almost blinding Rayleigh after being in the dark for so long. Rayleigh heard a lot of voices and looked up to see some guys around the opening. They looked like teenagers and kids. No adults which Rayleigh found kind of weird.
There were gasps and whispers that she could barely make out.
"Two greenies?"
"A girl?"
"Is she hot?"
"Why the heck do they have swords?!"

Rayleigh watched as someone lowered a rope. She looked at Percy and shrugged her shoulders. Percy put his sword away, took the first step and climbed up the rope and some people tried to pull him up.
"Get off me!" Percy yelled as he got to the top. He pulled his sword out and cleared out the spot he was in.
"Come on up!" Percy shouted to Rayleigh. She nodded and climbed up.

Once she got out, Rayleigh took her sword out and backed away from the group of boys. Percy was right beside her. There were about fifty kids, the oldest ones looked like teenagers.
"Can you please put the swords down? Nobody's gonna hurt you." A blonde boy with a British accent said. "Where did you even get swords from?"
"You don't need to worry where we got them," Percy said. "And no we aren't putting our swords away!"

One of the boys tried getting closer while saying stuff about them being safe and they weren't going to hurt them. Once he got close enough, Rayleigh attempted to cut the boy's arm, but the sword just went through his arm without leaving any damage. As if the sword wasn't real or the boy was a ghost.
"What the-?" The boy said. Everyone was left confused. Rayleigh quickly recovered from her confusion and noticed the boy had a machete. She punched the guy in the face and took the blade from him. Another guy tried to help the one Rayleigh punched, but was hit by Percy. Percy grabbed the guy's blade as well and the twins stood with the machetes ready to attack.

"I heard what some of you said about my sister," Percy said, "and we're in some unknown place with people we don't know, so we would rather people not come near us."

"Okay, everyone just go back to their jobs," A black guy, who looked around sixteen or seventeen, said, "Newt, you help me with them."
"Alright," Newt, the blonde, British boy said.
Everyone, except Newt and the black guy, left. It made Rayleigh feel a little better but she was still on edge.
"I'm Alby, and this is the Glade," the black guy said. "We all got sent here by someone, but we don't know who or why."
"And they erase our memories?" Percy asked.
"Yeah, they only let us keep our names," Newt said.
"Then why can we remember more?" Rayleigh asked.

The two boys looked at each other and back at Rayleigh and Percy.
"What do you mean?" Alby asked, "You remember more of your life?"
"Some of our friends, our parents, my girlfriend. If we only keep our names then how do we remember them?" Percy asked.
"That's never happened before so we don't know," Newt said, "Could be a good thing or a bad thing."
"Well that's just great," Rayleigh muttered. She just wanted answers, but everyone else seemed just as clueless as she was. For all she knew, she may never go home and see her friends and parents.

Rayleigh could feel the stress and worry of her brother, not just her our worry and stress. She didn't know how, but she could tell how scared Percy was of not being able to go home. Rayleigh pushed that thought aside as Alby began to talk.
"Come on, let's show you both around," Alby said, "And please don't hurt anyone if you're gonna keep the machetes out."
"Alright," Rayleigh agreed.
"As long as nobody attacks us, we won't hurt anyone," Percy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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