Know The Rules

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Stiles doesn't tell the others she's coming home. She wanted it to be a surprise. She hasn't seen them since graduation, and while she absolutely loves the shit out of her criminology and forensics classes, she also sorely missed the shit out of her pack.

Just one tiny detail-Stiles is terrible at surprises. Not, like, terrible in skill, just terrible in luck. Which is worse, really.

Definitely will be...

Stiles has been training herself hard. Not just her mind, because that's obviously the easy part for her. But her body, too. She's made friends and joined the local gym around where she studies. And at night time, she goes out with these friends and lives like any other twenty year old; carefree and actually having fun.

But Stiles still misses her pack; her family.

And Stiles really can't wait to show off what she's learned. Scott will be thrilled. Especially if it means she's one less person for him to worry about protecting. But whatever the case, he's a good best friend/brother, and she knows he'll be happy she's taking care of herself either way (it's something he and her father always scold her for, while Melissa will take the caring and motherly approach-bless that woman's sweet soul.)

And OK, maybe Stiles can't wait to show off her new skills in front of a certain six foot three werewolf with a face so good looking that it's almost annoying...

"And those massive eyebrows that look like they've been drawn on by a child..." Stiles grumbles under her breath as she tiptoes quietly through the graveyard. She huffs defeat immediately after, her voice softening to a needy whine as she says, "But still look so adorable, even when he's glaring-which is ALL the time-ugh! You're pathetic, Stiles. No wonder he doesn't want you."

"Oh, come on, baby-I want you!"

"Wha-" Fuck. This is what she gets for not paying attention. You're in a graveyard at 2 a.m.-what did you expect, Stilinski!?

Stiles spins around to immediately face the creature, and yep, it's a vampire. Great... "Fuck." She hisses quietly to herself, but his keen ears pick it up.

The vampire chuckles. "Well, shit." He drawls out, shoots her a cheeky grin with his fangs on full display. "Buy me dinner first?"

Stiles takes a step back as he takes one forward. "Oh-no...the fuck you don't!" She snaps firmly, raising one finger at him as her other hand slowly edges inside her jacket and down to her belt.

The vampire pauses at her bold reaction. Stiles almost chuckles when he flicks out his tongue to clearly check his fangs are on show for her. He scowls, brings a hand up to his fangs to make sure. He stares back at her, now curious as he listens to her heart and hears that it's barely racing. It's racing a little, but not really all that much in fear. More anticipation. This deeply intrigues him.

Stiles narrows her eyes, stares cautiously at him. She knows to let the opponent make the first move, knows to let them show their cards first. (Both her father and Derek taught her that.)

He doubts it, but he asks anyway; "You a hunter?" He arches a brow, still staring curiously at her. He nods when she shakes her head, then, says to her, "What's your name, beautiful?"

It's not everyday he finds someone more worthy than just using them for his food source. Though the human blood is sacred to his kind, he's been around since the 80s and-

"Excuse me?"

Her loud snort of contemptuous amusement breaks him out of his thoughts. He stares at her, confused.

"What is happening right now? Why aren't you trying to bite me, or whatever?"

The vampire shoots her a flirty smirk. "Eager, are we?"

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