An unexpected reunion

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As Team RWBY and Jaune enter Vacuo the portal to the Everafter closes behind them. The first thing they see is Shade Academy above it are Airships from every kingdom, and Amity Colosseum. As they arrive at the Academy everyone is shocked and relieved that they're here, each of them reunite with their loved ones Weiss with her family, Jaune with Ren and Nora, and most importantly Ruby and Yang with Qrow (who at that time already accepted the worst). Than the girls see Tai standing there, and they are as shocked that he is here as he is that his girls are.
- Dad, how are you here? - asks Yang and Ruby both surprised and happy.
- Let's say I got a little headstart. - And he looks up pointing with his eyes to a bird flying in the sky.
The bird swoops down landing inbetween Qrow and Tai and tranforms into Raven.
(I believe this is where Episode 1 should end)

- First things first - says Raven in a way that implies "If you lie to me I'm going to kill you" (Let's be honest when does she not sound like that) - What in the world did you do that THIS happened?
- What do you mean? - Asks Yang
- You didn't tell them?
- I told you before I didn't, and you said it yourself that ''You don't want others to know it''. - says Tai
- Told us what??
- I thought either of you at least hinted at THAT day. - When Raven says this she looks at Tai and Qrow. - I never thought you were that good at keeping secrets.
- I'm sorry what? - Yang had a million questions, she knew her father and uncle weren't always clear on information, but this was something intiarly different.
- Uggh... Fine. What I'm gonna tell you next you cannot tell anybody, and/or use it intentionally.
- What... exactly?
- My semblance.
This is the part where Yang is both surprised that her Mother kept something from her and also in the back of her mind expected it.
- It's essentially what Tai already told you and some extra traits... one of which is that I can sense the auras of ones who I have a bond with.
- Wait what?
- How do you think that I knew you were in trouble on the train?  - Looks at Yang if she gets it - It's like a sixth sence, but it has a few specifics. Mainly the distance, the further I'm to any of you the stronger this feeling gets. And THIS is the important part, the quicker you're aura fades that just amplifes the power.
- So, um why didn't portal to me and I don't know help out? - Almost lashing out at Raven.
- Firstly, 'cause Qrow was near. Secondly you think I didn't though of that? Of course I tried, and it didn't work. - I little regret can be heard as she says that.
- What do you mean "It didn't work"?
- I mean - Thinks through so not tell anything specific - I tried and the moment I entered the portal it flung me back to the one I entered. It only happened when... - Raven quickly stopped herself before saying anything else.
She didn't said anything about that to anyone and she will not going to tell this to Yang especially since she knew how her daughter views Summer.
- Ok. So let me get this straight, you knew I was in trouble and then you portaled to Dad and Qrow. Why?
- Because that little message of yours went out. Tai and my brother already knows this, and I don't want anybody to know of this. Got it? - And with this Raven changes into her corvus form and flyes away. Watching things turn out from a distance.

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