The Grimm reality

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After this less than ideal exchange Yang talks to Qrow and Tai about the conversion she had with Raven.
- We didn't told you this, because... well before Raven left she said it would be better if you didn't know of this so not to force her to save you. - Said Qrow clearly hiding something
- And a really good reason. - Said Tai
- I'm sorry. When did you switched sides?
- Come on, you know she's right. And it's been like what 20 years.
Yang looks on confused on what is going on.
- *sighs* Okay little explaining, the short version is when we're still students, once when we're training there was a little miscalculation, which Raven says that without her we couldn't have got out alive... which thinking back at it yah it wasn't that far off from the truth.
Right on cue Raven flyes down, without anyone noticing her
- So what exactly this miscalculation was? - Asks Yang in curiosity.
- Their Semblances working in favor of mine. - Remarkes Raven right behind Yang who wasn't expecting her to show up there.
- Their?
- Yeah. I was expecting Qrow's, but well. When she said this is gonna be a test run I wasn't Summer's Semblance to leave a mark on the trail.
- Wait so that means that you had a portal to Summer?
- Yes, I had back than. - Raven gave all three of them a look that says "Don't you dare say another word".
- So that means you finally not gonna fly off at the worst possible times? - Asks Yang sarcastically and hopes for a good answer.
- No, but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna save you at every given time. - Remarkes Raven.
The day goes by pretty normaly just a few small Grimm attacks, so nothing too dangerous. Everyone is listening to Team RWBY's adventures in the Everafter.
They were at the part of what had happened at Neo's crazy tea party when an alert went off that a giant horde of Grimm is approaching the School. Each of them got suited up and weapons in hand ready for the battle. It wasn't much just a few herds of Borbetusk so nobody was too worried. In the distance a few students heard something big was comeing. An Alpha Borbetusk. Raven standing next to Qrow near the city walls, both shocked at what they noticed.
- Don't let anybody get near THAT thing! - Grabbing Omen as a defense mechanism
- The last time you said that it ended in a catastrophe.
- I got this on my own. - Tossing a ring at the direction of Qrow. - I don't want to use this, it's just a last choice option. - Pulling out a similar ring from her pocket in the process.
- You still had these? - Ask Qrow in disbelief.
Raven nods and than flys in closer to the Grimm.
The students fighting Grimm after Grimm when they notice the Alpha. Yang immediately think they should fight it so not to let it harm anyone. Qrow notices this and stoppes her, saying:
- Don't, leave that till we finished this. - Gesturing to the hordes of Grimm around them.
Yang agrees and goes out helping her girlfriend.
Soon after the Grimm suddenly slowes down. Raven gets closer and closer. When she gets to the side of it she changes out of her corvus form, grabbes Omen and crashes a Fire-Dust Blade to the defences of the beast creating sparks from the impact as she slides beside the Alpha, landing behind it. Thinking she did some actually damage. When she looks back
and sees that the Grimm hadn't even been skaved by the attack she frozes in place for a few seconds seeing it chargeing to attack Yang, and thinks "Not again. Never. Again." as memories zip through her mind. She flies above the Alpha, as she changes back the only thing that can be seen in her eyes is pure rage and so she readys an attack with one of her Wind-Dust Blades. Slashing with it full force into an opening shattering the blade into a million pieces, the aftershock knocks Yang back. The shear force knocks her back, but... "Perfect" she thinks.
- I won't run from you this time. - Whispers to herself.
Just as she says that the Grimm recognizes her sword and charges at Raven. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and readys herself for the battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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