Chapter one

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Hey guys,
I'd like to thank my friend Geeky-fanfic-girl She's an amazing writer and has some great stories! So you guys should check her out.
I'd also like to say that Dan and Phil are amazing and hilarious youtubers, who I highly recommend you watch! (If you haven't already that is).
Anyway, on with the story~
Phil's pov

So I'm laying in bed, my nice, warm bed with amazing soft pillows, when my stupid alarms goes off. "Ugh!" I sit up and turn my alarm off and look out the window. "Another rainy day, huh?" I mumbled to myself. I hopped into the shower and start cleaning myself.

Dan's pov

I hear Phil's alarm go off. "It's 6:00 am in the morning! What is he doing up at this hour?!" I close my eyes and roll over so my face was shoved into my pillow. "Oh that's right!" I jumped up quickly. "We have to meet PJ and Chris downtown to congratulate them on getting their new house!" I grabbed my clothes and rushed into the bathroom. Without a second thought, I slammed the door open and...Standing right there was a fully dressed Phil. He smiled around and smiled at me. "Morning Dan!" He patted my head and walked past. I sighed in relief.

Phil's pov

Dan and I started walking downtown, recording obviously. Gotta keep the phandom happy, am I right? We meet up with PJ and Chris and congratulated them, when they told us about two new youtubers named Chloe and Briannon. Dan and I exchanged confused expressions than turned back to PJ and Chris. "Two orphan youtubers named Briannon and Chloe..?" "Nope! Never heard of them..."

Phil's pov

Dan and I rushed home and went straight to the computer to search these orphans up. We found them. Their YouTube name was 'BananaBri and CrazyChlo'. We watched a few of their videos, surprising, you were pretty funny.

-Later that night-

Dan's pov

I laid in bed, twisting and turning. For some unknown reason, I couldn't matter how hard I tried, something was keeping me awake...but what? I stared up at the ceiling and thought for a moment. Than, it hit me.
I rushed into Phil's room and flicked on the light, waking up a very frustrated Phil. "Dan what the hell?!" He said tiredly as he sat up. I sat next to him, my eyes full of excitement. "Phil! I just thought of the most amazing idea!" Phil stared back at me with an unsure expression. "What is it, Dan?" I leaned in a bit closer.


"Let's adopt those two little girls!"

Thanks guys for reading this I hope you are enjoying it! :*
peace, live long and prosper!
luv ya! :*

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