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It was a July cold night, 7.30 PM.. 

When it all ended. 

It all ended. 

Me and you Were done. 

I cried so much, 

But did you even cry? 

I ended it, 

Yet why am I the one crying the most?

Did you cry? 

Will you ever cry? 

I hate getting these feelings. 

It's been a year and a half 

And why can't I just move on from you? 

You have moved on from me... 

Even getting a new crush 

And yet..

I can't seem to do the same. 

Everyone I tried to like, 

They never treat me like you did. 

Why can't I just get you off my mind? 

I've tried countless things. 

So why? 

Why are you always just there?


I'm tryna be better

But I just can't. 

Please, Don't appear in my dreams. 

Saying "I love you" 

Then I woke up. 

I don't want to endure this feeling anymore 

I don't want to cry everytime I think about you. 

I don't want to have a shitty ass day just because I dreamt about you. 

I don't want to think about you. 

I want to move on. 

I want to forget you. 

If I ever had the chance... I'd go back to that cold July night.. 7.30 Pm.. And told you that I loved you. 

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