The Bishops x reader ♠♥♣♦PT. 1

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- they had met you by chance or because of some other strange way, and you immediately charmed them. But they fall in love with you anyway, Also you aren't part of their cults(most of the time), you met purely by chance

(Y/N) aka you
-you were given the nickname Kardioliptis or "heart stealer" due to your charm and the fact you were just the most adorable thing. (P.S. your nickname is Greek for Heart Taker)

-Met you while you were heading to Pilgrims passage
-Both of you had a nice chat and agreed that you two meet again one every week

-Leshy's initial stomach butterflies is quiet strange to him, he never felt something like this

-He asks his Eldest brother/sister Shamura and Shamura tells Leshy that he's in love with you, the eccentric (Y/N)

-will try his best to avoid giving you signs that he's into you, however due to a lot of facial expression reading he's found any way and just confesses his feelings. Which you accept and his leaves turn red

-the two of you met due to Shamura sending you to Anura to for reasons you weren't debriefed on
-Heket just brushes you off at first then an stray Love arrow grazed passed her cheek and hit you in your heart,
-now the arrows effect wasn't permanent but it was a sly and small problem so you just went home with the others
-Heket regularly spy's on you via some kind of muguffin that let's her see you from a remote area (Like her temple)

-the two of you met when you decided to visit Anchordeep with your friend Nerites and the both of you were immediately captured by his followers
-The both of you managed to escape and talk to Kallamar, as you talked you realized that you and Kallamar have much in common and became friends
-You regularly revive gifts from Kallamar, usually crystals that are very beautiful
-he has very nice hugs

(this is just part one I'll need to cap it off here, see Ya next time!)

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