[18] Advice From Big Bird

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Richard had come down to the kitchen for breakfast and was still in a half-sleepy state when his phone rang, jolting him awake. He checked the caller ID and then blinked, feeling that he had read it wrong.

But the name showing up on the screen remained the same and surprise took over his features as he answered the call. It was from Jason.

"Morning, Jaybird," he greeted, a soft smile flickering upon his lips to hear his brother's slightly tired and disgruntled voice.

"Hey, are you free?"

"Yeah," he poured himself a cup of coffee as Alfred had brought out the thermos, "all good?"

"I wanted advice," Jason replied, "but first, I want you to promise me that you're not going to let slip a single word of this to anyone."

"Okay, now I am automatically curious to know what you want to talk about," he was feeling more awake by then due to both the coffee and the knowledge that Jay had something to share.

And he was also happy about the fact that his brother had reached out to him for advice, no matter what the situation would be. Ever since Jason had come back from the dead and there had been a very visible barrier between him and the rest of the family, Richard had been worried that they would never be able to go back to how they used to be.

He missed Jason and the bond he had with him so now that Jay had taken the first step, he was willing to do all it took to prove to Jason that his elder brother would always be there for him and would never let him down.

"Not a word to anyone," Jay repeated, "you have to promise me that. And anyone includes Barbara. Not a word to Barbara specifically."

Richard's curiosity was piqued, "fine, I promise. Not a word to anyone. Including Babs. Now tell me what is going on with you."

There was silence on the other end and Richard checked to see if the line had gotten disconnected. But it seemed Jay was taking some time to think about how to say it out loud.

"So... There's a girl and..."

He need not say more as Richard immediately spoke up, "you want relationship advice? That's my expertise, go on. On a side note, when can I meet her?"

"Shut up, you're not meeting her," he groaned, "and no I did not ask you for relationship advice or... Wait..."

"Look, if you like this girl then you're definitely asking me for relationship advice," he remarked, "so be honest and don't hesitate. I will try my best to help you out."

Feeling somewhat motivated by the sincerity in his brother's tone, Jason decided to tell him. "Her name is Valerie and I met her in a bar... One thing led to another and you can assume the rest. A few days after that, I took her out on a date and we've been seeing each other since."

"Okay, nothing too unusual there. So you've been dating her?"

"Uh... No." There was a slight pause and Richard too let those words sink in although he felt confused. "We're not dating because I am reluctant to involve her in my life considering I'm the Red Hood and all... While she thinks it is easier not to be committed."

Richard felt he should respect Jay's request of not letting anyone else find out about his situation so hearing his phone call in the kitchen wouldn't be the best idea. As he had had breakfast already, he took his phone with him to his training area, knowing that no one would be there except him.

"Then what exactly did you mean when you said you guys were seeing each other?" He asked, trying to understand the situation by prompting Jason through questions because otherwise, he wouldn't open up.

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