Chapter 9

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Y/N's P.O.V

 I sighed at how clueless Tiger was. In the 'girl' world, any girl would know I was jealous. But Tiger? He's oblivious, after all, he is a guy. As we walked silently down the pavement, he finally had enough of the silence and turned to me with his dreamy but filled-with-wisdom - well, not girl wisdom - eyes.

 "Look, I'm sorry," he said, hopefully at me. I glared at him and licked my ice cream. "I'm sorry - I - I don't know what I did to offend you or hurt you, but whatever it is, I'm sorry, I really am."

 I finally gave up as he looked at me with his puppy eyes, "You don't have to apologize." I mumbled. His face lit up, "So, are you finally going to talk to me? It's getting really boring without hearing your enchanting voice."

 I blushed, he finally got me, "Fine - anyway, are you ready to compete against the Nakama FC? They're honestly pretty good. Not as good as you, though." I added as he opened his mouth, and closed it, giving me a shy smile.

 "I hope they play fair,"

 "That's the thing, Ti-Ti, they won't play fair,"

 "How would you know?" he asked, simply not wanting to believe me.

 "Trust me, Ti-Ti, the Iron Tank - they targeted you and learned all your tricks from a DVD that Ura Giri gave to them. And Miko is deceived by Ura Giri, that's why I came here. I used all my money to get here. Come on, Ti-Ti. You have to believe me."

 "We'll see when the match starts," Tiger told me, unsurely. "You'll believe me soon. And . . . it's getting dark, shouldn't we go back home yet?"

 "Oh come on, let's go somewhere for dinner, I really do not want to cook dinner - especially for you too," he joked.

 "Hey! Just because I can eat as much as a guy, doesn't mean you have to be rude about it," I said, dramatically flipping my hair back, he rolled his eyes, emphasising the rolled.

 "Where should we go eat?" Tiger asked me.

 "How am I supposed to know? I just came here. I'm from Japan for god's sake."

 "I'm from Japan too!"

 "But you have been living here for the past ages, haven't you?"

 "I meant what kind of food," Tiger explained, his hands signing hand gestures.

 "Oh," I whispered, feeling embarrassed and like a fool, he then smirked at me, which sent my blood boiling, "Wait a second . . . you asked where should we go eat! Not what kind of food -"

 Tiger simply laughed to himself and I kicked him on the shin, "OW, that hurts, you know! Even if you're really small, you're really dangerous - OWWW." I kicked him on the shin again.

 He silently mouthed, 'I hate you' to me. I mouthed back, 'Love you too' which made his face go red, and he mumbled some incoherent words I could barely translate.

 After a few minutes of silence, I added, "And I'd like to go to a French restaurant. It's a first for me,"

 "Your first sentence, no -" he disagreed shaking his head, then added, "- but the second sentence, yes."

 "You never know, it could even be your favourite food one day."

 He let out a snort, "Never,"

 "We'll see about that,"

 We found a pretty nice French restaurant, and when we entered it, it looked pretty fancy - and expensive, might I add. It was playing some rather boring classic music as we took seat number 3 and waited for a waiter or a waitress to take our order. A waiter gave us the menu, and when Tiger started to order, he said, wagging his forefinger, "Ah, ah, ah, ladies first."

 I stuck my tongue out at Tiger who immediately stuck his tongue out at me and I ordered a bouillabaisse which seemed like a pretty interesting dish. He nodded, "Of course, m'lady -" Tiger raised an eyebrow, "And what would you like, monsieur?"

 "Ah, well, are there any hot dogs here?" he asked a bit sheepishly. The waiter looked highly affronted and nodded, "I shall be right back."

 After waiting for some minutes, a person - chef most likely since the guy was wearing an apron and a chef's hat (A/N: I simply do not know how to call a chef's hat -) was escorted to us by the waiter.

 "Jacques??" Tiger asked, his jaw-dropping rapidly, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be, well, off somewhere cooking diet foods for Coach?"

 "Ah, Tiger - would you like to order a rather fancy gourmet dish? I recommend extra shrimp and caviar on top -" 

 "No, could I get a plate of hot dogs instead?"

 "Hotdogs? But Tiger, you know me well, I'd rather cook the best gourmet dishes in the world -"

 "Yeah, yeah, whatever, can I just please get a dish of hotdogs?" Tiger argued.

 "Very well . . . Tiger." Jacques the chef said with disappointment.

 Then Tiger turned to me looking if I wanted to say something or not, "You know that guy?"

 "Yeah, he's the one who's going to cook diet foods for us, it's absolute torture."

 "Uh, oh," I said grimacing, "I'm doomed."

 "That you are, but you gotta get used to it if you want to be a Supa Strika."

 "Now, I wished I hadn't sign up for this," I sighed, "Relax, you will get used to it. Besides, if we do win, sometimes Coach offers free hotdogs for us. Great, no?"

 "I suppose. We can eat as much as we want after we win?"

 "Yes. We can have a house barbecue."

 "WOOHOO!" I cheered loudly and suddenly the whole group of people eating turned to us - heck, even the classic music stopped playing. I sheepishly waved at everyone and turned to Tiger who was laughing so hard, he had to clutch his sides.

 "Rather embarrassing, isn't it?" Tiger asked after he finally recovered from his laugher.

 "Very funny." I said with a sigh, "Wonder when the food will come? I'm starving,"

 "Maybe we should just go and purchase some stuff from a store."

 "Nah now, we can't just ditch this place,"

 Tiger smiled at me, "I think you'll find the answer to be yes. As the law says, you can ditch a restaurant even after you ordered." He was staring at his phone, determinedly, trying to make me believe as though he just opened the law book and was reading it out loud from it. I snatched his phone and looked at the screen - which was plain black. He gave me a thumbs-up. "Yeah, I am starving, lets go get food." He gave me a huge grin and grabbed my hand. "Now?"

 "Now." and we ran outside the restaurant, me giggling with joy just when the waiter approached us with our food.

 A/N: Hello, lovely folks, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Totally did not wrote it within one hour which is the average time for how long I write - if I have any mistakes, feel free to correct me!

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