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(TW: (Kind of?) Suicide attempt)

As the months progressed, Red started having more dreams, as well as the burns getting worse and more blood. One day, when the strange illness was at it's worse, Red took a walk near the beach at sunset.

She walked up to the tall cliffside and sat on the edge of the cliff. Red looked down at the crashing waves below. Maybe it would be better if she just...ended it. Maybe she would even meet SC when she was gone. Red wanted to stay, but she couldn't do it. Not without SC. She shuffled closer and closer to the edge, so much so she was almost hanging off. Just as she was about to let go, a her vision glitched and she jumped back in shock. A painful ringing went through her ears and she held her head. The ringing got louder and louder until she blacked out. She opened her eyes to find she was in a white room, and she looked around in shock.

"Red?" A voice called from behind her.

Red recognised that voice. She swerved round and gasped. It was...SC. He was there, right in front of her.

"Oh my god..." Red said, dumbfounded.

She snapped out of her trance and ran to hug him, SC also putting his arms out.

"H-How are you here?! A-Am I dead? I-"

"Red, Red, calm down, I'm here, I'm here..." SC said softly. 

Red took a breath. How amazing it was to hear his voice again.

"You're not dead, this is in your head." SC said,

" How am I seeing you...I have so many questions...."

"I have a lot to explain and not a lot of time, so I'm going to get straight to the point." SC said. "You're seeing this in you're head but it isn't a dream, it's a vision. I've been trying to speak to you for months now, which is why you've been coughing up blood and stuff like that."

"Ok, but why?" Asked Red.

"Because I'm not dead, Red. None of us are."


"Our code was sent to a different realm, buried deep within the files of the alternate universe. I'm still alive Red, and you can rescue me!" SC said, holding her arms.

"How?! Tell me please!" Red said desperately.

"You have to travel to the other universe, go through the files and find a corrupted folder, and in there, you'll find me and everyone else."

"I'll find you SC I promise!" Red said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I know you can, I'll see you again Red. I pro-"

PLOT TWIST YOU THOUGHT I ACTUALLY KILLED THEM HAHAHA! Sry I'm leaving you in suspense lol. Love u guys<33

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