CHAPTER 6: Angelica

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The three sat at one of the white tables that surrounded the throne, the two teens watching as the angel poured tea into three small teacups. An eyeball carried a tray of cupcakes to their table that smelt strongly like vanilla, which Devon immediately picked up. She pulled the white wrapper back and studied it, making sure that it didn’t have anything odd in it, then stuffed it in her mouth. Q just watched Devon and the cupcakes cautiously, not trusting the baked goods.
“Come on, dear! The cupcakes don’t bite.” Angelica exclaimed, seemingly upbeat. Q didn’t respond, and just picked up a cupcake, holding it gently in her hand as she stared at the teacup that Angelica was shoving toward her. Up close, it smelt like peppermint.
“It’s peppermint tea,” Angelica said as she handed a teacup to Devon, who took it quickly. “Sorry if you don’t like it. It’s just my most asked tea because of… someone.” Angelica muttered the last word under her breath, a tiny bit of disgust mixed with sadness displaying on her face. Q tilted her head.
“‘Someone’?” Q quoted. She seemed to be asking who this ‘someone’ was. Angelica just shot her a small grin. “Oh, it's nothing!” She sang, her expression returning to its upbeat self. “But I’m afraid you’ll meet her soon enough. Eventually.”
“Well, that doesn’t sound good,” Devon commented, blowing into the tea to cool it down. “Does this ‘someone’ at least have food?” Q shot Devon a glare as she said that, which made Devon chuckle. “She has soup,” Angelica picked up her teacup, taking a small sip from it before setting it down. “And not the good kind, I believe. But even if you asked for some, I doubt she’d give you any since she's obsessed with it-”
“Why won’t you tell us her name?” Q quickly said, raising her voice as she slightly lifted herself from her seat. “Is she dangerous? Why are you afraid for us to see her?”
“Q-” Devon placed a hand on Q’s shoulder, trying to get her to calm down. Angelica looked at Q, sighing. “I don’t want to say her name,” She took another sip from her teacup. “But the reason as to why I’m afraid for you kids to see her is that she's… a little bit aggressive. I will pray for you, my children, once you kids meet her.”    

Q’s question had been answered. All she did was whisper a small “oh” under her breath, and sat back down, embarrassed with that sudden outburst. Devon patted her back, and picked up her tea, finally getting a sip of it.
The tea was warm, but it was more on the cold side. Devon didn’t like it.
She set the teacup on the table and grabbed another cupcake, which she instantly stuffed in her mouth again.
Angelica’s teacup was already empty.
“Why are you children here?” Angelica asked, her hands resting on top of her lap. Devon looked at Q to see if she wanted to answer, but she didn’t say anything. Just simply looked away. Devon gulped the cupcake down and took a very small sip of the tea to wash it down.
It already went cold.
“Well,” Devon started, trying her best to wash away the taste of the tea by rubbing her tongue on the roof of her mouth. “We both got into a coma, me and Q.” She placed a hand on Q’s arm. “We’re looking for a way out of here, and we got suggested to explore these rooms that are in this weird hospital.” Devon shrugged. “You were the first on the list, so we came here first.”
Angelica looked shocked, leaning in to get closer to the two teens. “I wish I could help, but…” She sighed, “I, unfortunately, don’t know where the exit is.”
She sat back up, leaving Devon slightly infuriated. “But I’m sure that if you explore these rooms, you’ll meet someone who’ll help you, including… her.”
The angel stood up from her seat and laid her arm out, signaling towards another hallway that led to a lone door.
What's up with all these hallways? Devon thought.

The two teens stood up, walking over to the start of the hallway. Devon turned around to look at Angelica, who had a small smile on her pure white face. “Be safe, my children.” Devon nodded and turned back around to head towards the door, Q following behind. Angelica watched them as they walked away, waving goodbye before opening her mouth, and attempting to shout out another sentence before the teens walked out the door.

“Remember, she's the f-”

But, the kids were already through the door to hear what she had to say.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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