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The woods can be scary, but for monsters of the night, it's normal. These monsters aren't scared of anything. With their razor-sharp fangs to their bat like attributes, they have nothing to fear but everything to be feared by. Even a girl much like Odessa hasn't much to be scared of. Except one little thing. The annual masquerade ball.  It was her first time coming in years, but the atmosphere was still the same as always. Chilling and dreary. The clammer of the vampires inside and the stench of blood, always so sickening. The girl winces when the doors to the huge mansion flies open, revealing an open ball room full of music and laughing vampires all in different time period clothing. Every year, vampires from around the world gather and meet up in the birth palace; a place where humans are brought to become a creature of the night and vampires come to give their respects to the crown family. Once in every five years a vampire must come to pay their respects. A rule followed throughout many generations, if not followed there will always be consequences and Odessa knew this rule well.

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