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v. REAL FUN pt.1
June 10, 10:09 a.m.


you woke up trying to stretch but felt stuck under something heavy right on your back. you opened your eyes to see some platinum locs out of the corner of your eye.

you sighed, regretting your decision to sleep next to ajani because you forgot he's a wild sleeper. you tried and tried to push him off of you but you always felt extra weak in the morning.

you laid there a little longer before you put your hands on either side of your chest preparing to push yourself up before he just rolled off himself. you sucked your teeth in annoyance. fuck nigga. where was that ten minutes ago?!?

you got up and pouted as you scanned over everyone adorably cuddled up on your couch. you unplugged your phone to take a picture of them, noticing that ajani already cuddled up to jovaun in such a short time span.

you looked around for the tv remote to turn it to your playlist called 'thinking less' and clicked shuffle. the first song playing is my phone can die by rory.

you went to your bathroom to get yourself together. in the middle of your skincare routine, the bathroom door slowly opened revealing a tired sonya rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"hey baby. what you need?" you softly asked. she raised her arms asking you to pick her up. "i have to sit you on the counter until i'm done okay?" she nodded and yawned as she leaned back onto the mirror and closed her eyes.

you pouted at how cute she is and continued your face routine and swaying and humming to the quiet music.

you walked to your linen closet a picked up a rag before running it under warm water. you wrung it out and brought sonya closer to you.

she laid her head on your chest and wrapped her small arms around you while you wiped her face, ridding it of any crust and dried slob.

you dropped the rag on the counter, getting sonya down to let her brush her teeth. "you want me to stay or can i start cooking?" you asked sonya.

"you can go. i'm hungry." she said putting her bubble gum toothpaste on her l.o.l doll toothbrush. you giggled and walked out.

as you got closer to the kitchen the music got louder and you recognized it as when i'm in your arms by cleo sol.

you went through your pantry, cabinets, and fridge finding ingredients to make waffles, eggs, and bacon.

you brought out a pan as quietly as possible before you laid the bacon strips in the air fryer baskets first since it takes the longest.

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