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The chapters may switch POV's between Dean and Deanna. But this chapter will be in the POV of Rachel, Deanna's mother. It will be in the form of diary entries but since the timeline is extremely complicated I won't add the years it happened, but this is set near the end of junior year of high school. Also, you'll see there are
big time skips in the dates, it'll just be important moments and not very detailed, it won't be their full love story, the next chapter will explain!! If you'd like I can also make a fic to tell Rachel and Deans full story. Enjoy!!

April 4th
Today was incredible. I passed my exams, hung out with Rebecca, and I even made eye contact with Dean Winchester! The boy i've had a crush on since the beginning of the year. He's so handsome. Him and his friends were playing basketball, his friend tried to shoot at half court and the ball hit the rim which rolled over to me and Rebecca, she grabbed it and threw it back and as Dean caught it he smiled at her and his eyes moved over to mine. I can't believe it, maybe he'll notice me after all!

April 8th
Diary, you'll never guess what happened. Today in chemistry, Dean and his buddy Alec wouldn't stop talking and disturbing the class so Mrs. Sprout moved Dean to separate them. And guess where she moved him? Right in front of me! His backpack grazed my foot as he sat down and he didn't even notice but that's okay.

April 12th
Nothing too excited happened today. Dean hasn't showed up for school in days, I hope he's okay. There has been a nasty flu going around.

April 24th
Oh my goodness, so much happened today. Firstly, Dean finally came back to school! When he arrived the teacher asked where he had been, he said he was on a hunting trip with his dad and little brother. Which I find endearing that they have such a sweet and strong relationship, him and his brother, I mean. Most siblings don't get along. I find it perfect he gets along with his dad so well, they must hunt a lot. That means he must be good with guns right? Which is perfect! My dad said he loves men who are skilled with a rifle. He says it means they can aim and kill more animal, more food in our stomach's. But that's not even the best part! When he walked in he smiled at me as he sat down!! Me! He smiled at me! It was the most beautiful, pearly white smile I have ever seen. He's a charmer for sure.

April 30th
Unfortunately nothing interesting has happened. Other than the fact some kid slipped on mashed potatoes in the cafeteria and broke his wrist.

May 4th
Diary, you will not believe what happened today. So remember how I mentioned that Dean sits in front of me in chemistry? Well ever since the day he first smiled at me, he's been smiling at me everyday when he sits down. Obviously I smile back. But today I decided to try a different approach. When me and my friend Lexi we're at lunch I saw Dean talking to his friend Sean, which is actually Lexi's brother. When Dean turned his head to my direction I waved at him, and he actually waved back!! Not only waved, but smiled! Then he went back to talking to Sean. I've thought about this all day.

May 16th,
Today was the best day of my life. I think i'm going to faint. I was walking in the hallways when some boy ran into me, I fell into the lockers and quickly apologized. The guy looked pissed though and started yelling at me. Before I could reply Dean freaking Winchester pushed him and told him to chill out, that it was just an accident. After the guy left he turned to me, I panicked and apologized. He laughed. And it was music to my ears. He said it was really no problem, then he said he recognized me. I told him I sat behind him in chem class and he said, "Oh right, yeah your Rachel, right?" He knew my name. Dean knew my name! Not only did he know my name, he actually talked to me! I nodded and he smiled. Then he told me he'd catch me later and then he left.

May 22th
Oh, my, Jesus, Christ. Dean Winchester invited me to a party?! Oh my god oh god. Okay so, ever since the day he helped me with that douchebag, he's walked into class, smiled at me, and has said, "Hey Rachel". Isn't that insane? I've internally died each time. But that's not even the biggest news. Today we had our first full, long conversation, it lasted almost the whole class. Let me rewrite it.
Dean: Hey Rachel, how are you? Me: Oh hey Dean, i'm good, you? Dean: I'm decent, oh by the way do you have the math homework answers? Me: Oh yeah, do you need them? Dean: Nah, just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one who was turning the assignments in late. Me: Oh well, good to know Dean: Yeah, are you free Friday night by any chance? Me: I think so, why? Dean: Fridays the last day of this lame ass school, a friend of mine is throwing a party to celebrate, wanna come? Me: With you? Dean: If your up for it. Me: No yeah yes of course, sure, seems fun.
Then I smiled and he turned around to grab a paper and pencil, I leaned forward to see what he was writing, then he quickly folded up the paper and handed it to me, letting me know it was his number. Then the bells rang. Isn't this crazy? This technically is a date right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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