1 ⟢ One Reality, Two Realities, My Reality

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"Please... anything you can spare.." the homeless man says, almost a whisper. You almost didn't see him, too focused.

"I don't have anything, I'm sorry." you say. The confidence in your voice takes you by surprise. You give him a soft, apologetic look and then keep walking. It wasn't a lie, there wasn't a penny in your pocket right now. Perhaps if Max, your "brother", stopped stealing everything you made, it wouldn't be so difficult.

Calling Max your brother was generous considering he was just like every other foster family you'd lived with, but you'd done it for long enough now that it felt almost normal. Between the age of 6 years old to now you'd lived with seven different foster families, and this one might be the worst one yet. Once you had the money and could prove that you could live on your own, it wouldn't be hard to convince them to let you leave the house for good. Your foster "father" was always on business trips anyway, and Max never wanted you around to begin with.

He was always drunk or high, always violent or ready to manipulate. It wasn't much of a home as far as you were concerned.

You kept walking until you reached the building. It was a cute cafe you'd been in plenty of times before, one with a "Now Hiring" sign on the window. This could be the perfect chance to make some much needed money.

You open the door and walk up to the empty counter, smiling.

"I'm interested in interviewing to work here." You say, looking at the employee. She looks up at you without much interest. "Oh, well we're just about to close for the night, but I'll let my manager know." She walked into the back, but not before looking you up and down with a disgusted expression on her face.

You waited patiently for her to return with no luck. At this point, all customers had left and there wasn't a single person in sight. It was getting dark and late, and you were getting concerned.

"Hello?" You call out cautiously. Maybe you weren't loud enough? It had slowly started to rain outside. Suddenly, all the lights went out in the cafe. Confused, you peeked around the corner for the millionth time and saw a figure exit the back door, closing it behind them. Was it that girl? It looked like it. You call out again, still no reply. At this point, it seemed you were the only person left in the building.

You sigh and turn around, leaving the now empty and closed cafe. The neon "Open" sign had gone dark at some point, when did that happen? It seemed like every time you tried to get a job, you were turned away. "Not enough experience" or "Not the right fit" or "The position has recently been filled". If someone wanted to say, "You just look a bit... dirty and... how can we rely on someone like that?", then they should just say it.

You walk home in the rain, tired and frustrated. Realizing you forgot your keys, you knock on the door. No answer. You knock again and again, Max must have the TV volume up high. The rain isn't showing any signs of stopping. You sit on the steps, ready to just give up completely. This isn't the first time and won't be the last, he's not coming to the door. You try calling and texting him, but no answer.

This isn't a safe place to be at night so you walk to the side and knock on the window. Eventually, he notices your second text (before noticing your knocks, of course) and opens the window.

That's it. No "I'm sorry" or "Are you alright?" Never.

He walks away without a word to you, clearly on a call with a few of his friends on his headset. You take a deep breath and close your bedroom door, and the window, taking off your wet clothing and replacing it with something more comfortable and clean, then climb into bed.

"I wish I could leave this place sometimes." You say to your fluffy friend, Oliver, the family cat that had really just become your cat. Oliver was clearly trying to sleep but he never seemed to mind a little conversation now and again.

"I wish I could... oh, I don't know. See something no human's ever seen before. Make it my own."

You were somewhat referring to realm teleportation, a gift you'd only recently learned you possessed when accidentally doing it one night. Though it was possible to do awake, it was much easier to do it sleeping. Since then you hadn't been able to do it again, but you'd done more and more research and continued to practice. You hadn't even really stopped to think about what you were doing, you wanted so desperately to leave this place.

Slowly, your eyes grew heavy and you drifted off to sleep...

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A golden palace. A sky with the most beautiful clouds. The hum of a nearby waterfall. A confused voice nearby talking to a peer. A pillar dripping in lavash gold, reflecting your surprised face. These were the last things your senses noticed before the shock and panic kicked in. You'd... done it. You'd really done it again. But this time, you hadn't set a destination. What the hell was this place?

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