Phone Calls

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I sat feverishly in front of my computer, contemplating the task at hand. The room swallowed me in it's darkness, the only light source was the faint illumination from my monitor. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, as I began to think what I would search for.

Cleaning services. That's what I needed to find. And not just one picked randomly, this had to be a special service that would understand Manson's unique situation. I was hoping to find someone who could handle the mess but could also respect his need for privacy. It was certainly a difficult task, but I was up for it.

Time seemed to slip away as I continued my search, I was never very tech savvy so volunteering to research was starting to feel a bit overwhelming. There were countless websites and options for things I didn't even realize existed. It seemed like I had been scrolling literal miles, and my eyes were starting to strain from looking at the screen. 

Thinking about the pigsty he was living in determined me to push forward, I truly hate to see him like this. He deserves a push in the right direction, even if he isn't very receptive to people looking out for his well being. I straightened my posture, determined to persevere. I continued through countless websites, reading review after review.

Amidst the sea of options before me, a website caught my eye. It was a small, modest cleaning service that seemed promising to me. I continued to look through the website and discovered very positive reviews. Their website pleasantly surprised me with how professional it looked, and that they offered to work through some very unique situations.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my cellphone, dialing the number with a mix of optimism and caution. I knew that this call could be very important to his future, and change needed to be introduced to his life as quickly as possible. A dial tone echoed in my ears for more than a few seconds. Finally, a voice broke the monotone ringing.

"Good Afternoon, this is Sparkling Solutions. My name is Silas, what can I do for you?" A warm toned voice came through from the other end.

"Hi Silas, my name is Tony. I came across your cleaning service online, and I'm looking for a really specific service. I've got a bit of a situation that needs some professional attention." I wasn't sure how to explain the situation to them without fearing I would scare them off.

"Thank you for reaching out, would you be comfortable telling me more about what you're looking for? I'm always ready for a challenge."

"Yes, definitely." I cleared the gunk from my throat, "So, here's the deal. I work as a band manager, based in LA. The frontman from the main band I manage is unfortunately in a bit of a rough patch right now. I went searching for him the other day, and when I got to his apartment, I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. He would rot there if I'd let him." I sighed through the phone, "The problem is, he is an extremely private person and I had to beg him to even consider help. He is not very open to the idea of someone coming into his space, which I understand, but I can't let him live like this. The only reason he allowed me to make this phone call was because I brought up concern for his cats well-being."

Silas listened to me as I shared my concerns about Manson's living situation, there was a brief silence on the other end as the gears in their brain started turning.

"I would love to help with your situation, let me tell you a little bit about me. I have many years of experience dealing with challenging situations. I worked for a few years as a crime scene cleaner, so I've seen everything from decomp to houses overwhelmed with clutter. I genuinely care about the work I do, and I take the needs and privacy of my clients extremely seriously. Working with grieving families has taught me so much about the difference it makes when they know you can be trusted." Silas paused for a brief moment, their voice filled with curiosity, "Is his identity private or can I pry a little bit?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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