
98 2 7

No swears, Minor bad wording

Ships: Darius + Alador, Huntlow, (kinda) Goldric, (Some) Lumity and Gustholomule. (did I spell that right?)

Updates: whenever I get inspiration or motivation. (btw read my other 4 hunter/Huntlow stories.)

My Opinion: I personally think Goldric is okay and Huntlow is superior, I don't really like Lumity but I respect it, Gustholomule is okay, I kinda ship Darius and Alador. (if you want my opinion on other ships just write this:  please rate"insert ship name". In the comments.)

My other stories: Huntlow (mainly Hunter), Huntlow Oneshots (mainly Hunter), and The Story Of Hunter Noceda. (Hunter is my fav character, I'll also rate characters if you want. 🤣)

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