First non-mission Day (Chapter 1)

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(this has nothing to do with the story I just thought it was funny🔼.  Btw this story is like a Huntlow AU where Hunter left the emperor's coven with Darius after the events of Hollow Mind. And Darius adopted him, this is his first Non mission day of school. It will have a tad bit of Goldric....kinda)

Hunter •POV•

"So, Hunter. What tracks would you like to be in?" Principal Bump looks up from his papers. "Um, Plant, Illusion, Abominations, Beast Keeping, and potions." (btw him choosing Plant, Illusion, and Abominations is related to the plot and stuff. 🌹🪞👾) "Ok, here's your schedule." Bump hands me a sheet of paper, "you start tomorrow." I look down at the paper.

8:00: Plant      


9:45: Illusion


10:55: Potions


11:45 Lunch


12:50: Beast Keeping


2:00: Free Time/Study Time


2:25: Abominations


3:35: Schools Over.

Seems simple enough. But should I really be going to school? What if I run into, them. I sigh, I guess I'll just have to take that chance.

(Time Skip: Hunter's First Day)

I wake up at 5:00am, y'know the usual. I shove some food in my mouth and run out the door not wanting to be late. "Bye Darius!" ALL of a sudden an Abomination grabs my foot and I trip, "You are gonna get a lot more sleep than that little prince." Darius comes out of the door, "School doesn't start for another 3 hours. You have time." "But if I'm late-" "*sigh* look, you don't have to do this stuff anymore. You can finally live a normal life. Just, try to at least make some friends. Ok?" I just nodd. "You're already up so you might as well just go to school, but tomorrow you're getting 2 more hours of sleep." Darius laughs, "ok, bye Darius" I hop on Flapjack and fly off to school. (he's like 3 hours early)

(Time Skip: 3 hours later)

I see people enter the room and sit down on some random stools. (idc if they don't have chairs. 😒) Jokes on them, I was here 3 hours ago. Out of all the people who enter, ONE of them catches my eye. I would recognize her anywhere with her.. Cute braids, golden glasses, beautiful emerald eyes, AUGH! SNAP OUT OF IT HUNTER! She looks at me, frowns (😟) and looks away. 

(dunno who drew this, I edited it a bit

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(dunno who drew this, I edited it a bit. 🤪)

I sigh, my cover is blown. Surprisingly she sits next to me, doesn't look at me though. She already knows it's me so I look over at her and whisper "H-Hi Captain." "Don't talk to me, I will find out why you're here. After all, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been 52 weeks since I last saw you, Golden Guard." I flinch at the mention of that name. "Don't call me that. 😔" I look away from her and back at the teacher, they start talking about basic plant spells. 

Willow •POV•

"After all, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been 52 weeks since I last saw you, Golden Guard." He flinches, "Don't call me that. 😔" Hunter looks away from me and back at the teacher. I have so many questions, (1) Why is he even here at school? (2) Why doesn't he want me to call him The Golden Guard, isn't he proud of that title? (3) WHY DOES HE KEEP CALLING ME CAPTAIN!? 

(Time Skip: Hunter's Illusion class)

Hunter starts leaving the room to go to his next class, too bad I can't keep an eye on him when he leaves. I sigh, todays gonna be a long day.

Hunter •POV•

I (thankfully) leave the plant room and enter the illusion roo- OH C'MON! Just give me a break! I try to avoid Gus as Much as possible, I sit next to a random green haired boy but sadly the teacher had other plans. "Everyone, I am happy to inform you all that we have a new student! Would anyone like to give him a tour during lunch?" Gus (unfortunately) raises his hand, "Ill do it!" "thank you Gus, now. Let's start our lesson!" Titan damn it, it's one of those teachers who want to know as much as possible about their students. I pull up my hoodie and try to hide my face from Gus who keeps looking my way and waving. The green haired boy leans over to me and whispers something. "Hi, I'm Edric but my friends call me Ed, what's your name?" I obviously didn't want to tell this random boy my information, but Darius told me I needed some friends that I didn't try to kidnap in the past. that was actually harder than it sounds. "what friends? Anyway I'm Hunter." He chuckles and smirks, "I can tell that this class just got a lot less boring. 😏" "Wow, that was just joke. You actually don't have any friends?!" I sarcastically gasp. "not really, but that's my twin sister Emira." He points to a girl in the back of the class, she does look a lot like EdRiC. I wave and smile, She waves back. I take a close look at Edric. "Edric Blight!?" I fall off my chair and everybody stares at me.(😳) "haha.. Clumsy me 😅" everybody just looks back at the teacher as I get onto my chair again. (Tell me if you've ever done this before. 😅)  "yeah, how'd you know?" "Oh I um, know your moms business. Y'know Blight Industries." "it is quite popular" Edric rolls his eyes and looks at the teacher. Weird.

(I just came back from a quick vacay so this isn't that long, but to be fair it's like 11:30pm And I have school tomorrow. Good Night Scouts! ✌️)

(955 Words)

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