CHAPTER 1: The cosplaying

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Spongebob wakes up to his alarm clock's ear-damaging horn. He stops it, before hopping out of bed. "Gary! It's that time of year again!" gary meows. homophobically. "Pride month!" gary glares at spongebob. "meow" "I know right! I'm gonna tell patrick. We have big things planned!!" He gets ready for the day and runs over to Patrick's house. He knocks on the rock and it flips over, revealing The Patrfick,

"Patrick!! It's pride month!"

"I know spongebob. Do you remember what we had planned Sponge bob. "

"Yes we were going to cosplay dirkjake and make a tiktok together for pride month!"

"Splendid I will get my jake english cosplay"

Blah blah he does the rock flippy do thing and he has the cosplay

"Oh!!! I'll get my cosplay!!! Be right back!"

Spongebob runs back to his pineapple, heads upstairs, gets his cosplay on, and then runs back to patrick. 

[insert the image with the cosplays when its done i havent finished it yet]

"Alright! Got the cosplay! Let's make that video."

video game lover we should ch ch ch ch ching with eachother

To a normal person this is probably the worst thing ever.

Then everything catches on fire and a portal to earth c opens im really out of ideas atp TO BE CONTINUED

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