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It was June 12, Tuesday.
There was a boy with cyan-blue spiky hair in the bathroom, brushing his teeth as he gets ready for bed. The boy was in black pajamas with cyan lightning bolts. After brushing and turning the bathroom lights off, he heads to his bedroom. His mother was waiting for him there with a warm, soft smile.

"Bolts, you ready for bed?" His mother, Sunny Bulbs, asked as she gets off the bed. Bolts smiles excitedly. He heads to his bed and immediately lays down on it.

"I'm ready! So ready that I might not need my nightlight anymore!" The boy, named Bolts, replied cheerfuly. Sunny chuckles, then sighs.

"Well, if you say so, Bolts. I'll be leaving now." Ms. Bulbs then goes up to the light switch and turns the lights off. She then leaves the room.

Bolts laid on his bed, his sheets close to his face. He didn't really mean it when he said he might not need his nightlight anymore. Still, he decides to try and doze off. Minutes pass by and it was now 11pm. Bolts was wide awake, maybe because of the moonlight. He sat up on his bed and stared at the window. He thought about shutting the blinds so he could sleep better.

The window mentioned before was a big one. It served its purpose as a glass sliding door, as well as being a window. It connected to the outside balcony the house had. Bolts would often put a chair on the balcony floor to gaze at the sky whenever he had time for it.

Bolts reached the door, but he stopped as he saw the sky. It was beautiful. The stars were twinkling within the dark sky. Maybe a few star-gazing would help him get sleepy. He rested his arms on the balcony ledge as he stared at the sky. The moon wasn't too far from where he was, but he couldn't see it. He felt relaxed a bit.

"Hey!! Come back here!!" Bolt's relaxation was utterly disrupted by screams of a very disgruntled girl. Bolts looks down at the road, shocked to see a girl running after some pink, bright light.

"What in the Sparkling Thunder is going on here?" Bolt asked himself. He then sees two more kids run after the girl. Eventually, Bolts gets tempted to follow after those three kids, despite knowing he has no idea who they are.

"Oh for the love of Warm and Wet Weather..." Bolts eventually follows after the three, revealing to have electricity powers.

Bolts technically has Weather Powers, mainly relating to thunder and lightning, and clouds. Bolts flies after the three. He carefully tries to be sneaky, hoping no one sees him.

Bolts observes the three kids carefully. The two close to him seemed to be twins; both getting dark cyan hair, brown eyes, tannish skin, and both have the same pajamas being black. Bolts then looks ahead of him.

The one furthest from the two was a black girl. The girl's hair seems to flowing and glowing like lava, all tied up into a ponytail. Unlike the two, the girl seemed to be in some dark maroon jacket and black pants.

Bolts suddenly felt tempted to fly down and ask what was going on. He flies a bit lower, carefully eavesdropping on the two. He hears a few mentions of "Pink Bright Light", "Fire Girl", and "Tia". Bolts was very confused on those words, but maybe if he continued to follow them, then maybe he can find out what's up.


The four arrive at a cul-de-sac area of the neighborhood. The three seemed tired out from running after the light, while Bolts seemed excited to find out what's going on. He lands next to one of the twins from earlier mentioned.

"Oh, hello! Are you here to find out what's going on?" The female twin asked. Bolts looks at the girl.

"Yeah... You too?" Bolts replied.

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