The Best Thing That Came Into My Life. ONE-SHOT

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NOTE: PROJECT KO PO ITO SA GEOMETRY NA NAISIPAN KO LANG PO I-POST. It's based on 2 books, Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen and A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. So you'll see a lot of similarities in circumstances. Weird po yung names haha. kase po sabi ni teacher kelangan daw Geometry Terms ang characters. XD Yung profile ko po kase dito walang kalaman-laman. kaya here you go! :) MAG-COMMENT KAYU AFTER READING PLEAAASE :) 

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you think everything’s okay. One moment you think you’ve got it all figured out, then the next, everything you thought you knew blows up in your face. The trick is to find that one person who would throw away everything and help you deal with these dramas and obstacles that come your way. I am Abscissa, and I will tell you a story about a person who has touched my life in so many ways.

I met her one hot summer day in our quiet neighborhood of Cartesian Coordinate Plane. I was ten years old, and as I was playing near the porch of our house, I saw a mover’s truck parking next door, to the vacant house right next to ours. As I saw furniture being moved out of the truck and into the house, I saw a little red-haired girl around my age wearing pink overalls and sunglasses come out of the car behind the truck and sit in front of the porch of her new home. Something about this girl raised curiosity in me, and I approached her.

“Hey,” I said to the redhead.

“Uhm.. Hi.” she answered back.

“I’m Abscissa. I live over there.” I told her, pointing at my house and half-expecting her to raise her eyebrows at me.

“Hi, I’m Ordinate. It’s nice to meet you, Abscissa.” She said to my surprise.

She smiled at me. Then she scooted a little from her seat at the porch, giving a little space for me to sit beside her. I was stunned by her kindness, as I was used to being snobbed by those perfect little girls at school on their perfect pink bicycles and perfect little pink clothes. I was not used to the warm welcome of other girls my age, and this made me more curious about her.  I sat beside her, and we didn’t talk immediately, but comfortable silence enveloped us. We sat staring at the house across theirs, where Mrs. y-intercept was trimming her rose bushes, My father mowing the lawn, looking at my house and my garage. We didn’t talk much that day, but we both knew we had a lifetime of talking ahead of us.

On her first day at school, I was being pushed around by the perfect mean girls or slopes as I called them, whom she punched, much to the surprise of everyone. We always said that we lived parallel lives. She made fast friends, while I hung back and kept silent and had a few friends.. okay, fine, I had only one.

As we grew older, Ordinate was there for me, throughout the time I got braces, then eyeglasses, then crushes and minor heartaches. She helped me through them all, never leaving my side. And then came her turn to need my help.

She called me up late one night, and when she called my name, I instantly knew something was wrong.


“What is it?”

“He’s dead. X-intercept is dead.”

 “How ?”

“Car accident. He got hit just as he was turning to Distance Avenue.”

This shocked me. We had known X-intercept since we were kids, and I knew that he was the only guy Ordinate has ever loved. This summer, they were inseparable. I tagged along on their dates, just 2 weeks ago, and now, we would never see him again.

I ran from my house to Ordinate’s and I found her crying at their porch, exactly where I had seen her on the day we met. I hugged her, but I didn’t know what to say, she was always the comforting one between the two of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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