Twenty Five

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Author's POV

Those cries and pleas for freedom were all Alex wanted to hear. It had become music to his ears.

Two weeks, it has been two weeks since Alex saved Alana from those rogues and he had been torturing them nonstop.

Every night Alana would wake up crying from a terrible nightmare she had because of that day's incident.

Alex thought a change of environment would be good for her so he made Daciana and the kids go stay with her parents in their pack for sometime.

Brian thought of it as an opportunity to see his mate so he begged Alex to let him go with them and Alex consented.

Alana was getting better by the day and soon they got back.

Alana returned to her cheerful and bubbly self, always running around. Aiden was growing up really fast and he'd be turning one soon.

It was evening and the full moon was shining proudly from the sky. Alex and Daciana were sitting on the front porch and watching Alana run around with Drake who had come visiting earlier.

Though it was getting late and Drake would have to leave soon, they decided to let the two have their fun.

Soon Drake came to them panting like he had just ran a marathon which was pretty funny for a werewolf.

"That kid is a she-devil." He said between pants.

Daciana giggled while Alex glared at him.

"My daughter isn't a devil." He said while Drake just sat beside them.

"I better get going." He said and poked a sleeping Aiden's cheek.

"Are you trying to wake him up right now? It's really difficult to get him to sleep." Alex muttered, swerving Drake's hand from Aiden's face.

Just then Aiden woke up and started crying. Daciana glared at both of them and took Aiden from Alex.

"Oops." Drake said and ran off. "Goodnight!" He yelled and picked Alana, throwing her in the air before placing her down. With that he ran out of the gate.

"He's so immature." Alex muttered.

"States his Akin." Daciana snickered and went to get Alana before going inside.

"Am nothing like him you know." Alex argued following behind them.

"Sure you aren't." Daciana mocked him.

"Seriously." He said frustrated.

"Want me to start saying the list of all immature things you've done this week?" Daciana said tauntingly and Alex groaned.

"Our kids are here you know." He whined and Daciana laughed.

She gave Aiden to him and went to put Alana to sleep. Minutes later she returned to her room to find Alex sleeping on the rocking chair in the middle of the room with a sleeping Aiden carefully tucked in his arms.

"They're so cute." She muttered smiling and took out her phone to take a photo of them.


"You better stop right there gentleman if you don't want to loose your legs!" Alana yelled running after her little brother, Alanis.

"Catch me if you can!" Alanis yelled and turned around to gloat at his older sister but tripped and fell much to his demise.

"Haha! Look who's in SOOO much trouble now! Alana snickered and grabbed him before he could run.

"Mommy! Dadd-" Alana placed her palm over his mouth to stifle his sounds.

"Didn't I warn you never to touch my things?!" She yelled and let go of his mouth.

"Sorry, Zen and I were just really bored." Alanis said.

"So you thought touching my makeup was a good resolve?" Alana asked angrily.

"Yes and no." Alan said.


"Daddy says you aren't allowed to use makeup yet. If you don't let me go I'll tell him you secretly bought makeup." Alanis said and Alana glared at him.

"You're threatening me now?!"

"No but-"

"Lana, Alan." Aiden called walking towards them with their cousins Zenith and Wendy.

"What Aiden?!" Alana snapped at him really pissed.

"Mommy's calling us in for lunch, now." He said laying emphasis on the last part. "Deal with him later, will you?" He added glancing at his five year old brother who could as well be the devil's spawn.

Alana let go of Alanis and stomped inside.

Daciana smiled from the kitchen on seeing her three little pups. She knew Alanis had made Alana angry again and she couldn't help but smile.

Though Alana was four years older than Alanis, the two couldn't stop fighting like cat and rat.

She smiled at little Wendy who came up to her. She was Shirley and Ceaser's four year old daughter and she couldn't help but love the kid so much.

"I made your favorite Wen. Come sit here." She said and picked up the little girl placing her to sit on a chair at the dinning table beside her big brother Zenith.

Zenith was same age as Alanis and the two were very mischievous. Shirley walked into the dinning room and took her sit beside Daciana.

"When's your mate coming home?" She asked Daciana who sighed.

"Later this evening."

"Lana, Aid, you both ready for training this afternoon?" Shirley asked. And both kids nodded.

"Aunt can we join too?" Alanis asked referring to himself and Zenith.

"Not untill you both learn to stop been mischievous." Shirley said and everyone except both boys laughed.

After lunch Shirley took Alana and Aiden to the backyard to train.

Daciana watched them train while the other kids were playing in the house. Daciana heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it.

"Hi, Angie. Hey cuties." Daciana said smiling at Angela and her twin boys, Harry and Henry. They were both three and the sweetest children ever.

Angela found out Brian was her mate four years back and moved to his pack.

Alpha Phil formed an alliance between both packs as his daughter was Alex's beta's mate. Not that there was any dispute between both packs before but they wanted to have something between both packs.

With Angela and her twins there, the house got noiser and rowdier but Daciana couldn't care less. She loved having them all there.

When evening came, they all started leaving for their houses, Shirley left a bit earlier as her pack was an hour and thirty minutes away.

Daciana tucked her kids in to bed and awaited her mate who was coming a bit late today.

'Calm down Dac, he's probably got more work today.' her wolf spoke in her head.

"Hmm." Daciana replied and sat on the couch in the living room.

"Am home." Alex announced coming in. He locked the door and tiptoed towards the living room.

He noticed Daciana was asleep and tickled her.

"Wakey wakey!" He yelled while a giggling Daciana slapped his hands away.

"I've missed you my love." She said hugging him.

"I've missed you more sweet heart." He replied planting a kiss on her forehead.

The End...

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