Chapter 12 (Alternative Ending)

497 9 39


Religious beliefs


Mentions of Suicide (I guess)



3rd POV (for this whole chapter)

"Hey Daki, oh..and Douma.", Akaza said relatively cold, "Hi Akaza!" "Why were you..fooling around with Kokushibou?", Douma said not even looking at Akaza or Daki, "Uh.. we're a couple now, so you shouldn't even care." "Well what if I do?" "Well- I don't know, you shouldn't even care in the first place!" "Okay, but here's the thing, I. DO." "Fuck you, I could care less!" "Guys, guys, I thi-" "SHUT UP DAKI." "Hey! Don't disrespect her!" "There you go again, doing this 'I don't harm woman' and all that bullshit." "No wonder why you deserve everything that's happened to you, even with sweet Kotoha..", Douma then choked Akaza, "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER." "Dumbass, I already did.", Akaza said with a smirk, "You really are stubborn...and-and that's what I've always liked about you..", Douma said, "but now your with him...", Akaza stared wide-eyed, he knew he liked Kokushibou,but Akaza decided to express his shock to Douma, before he could say anything...

 Kokushibou cut Douma's hand,  "What..are you...doing to...him..?" "Nothing.", Douma glared at Kokushibou before letting go of Akaza's neck. Douma then walked off with Daki tagging along, "What...were you...doing with him..?" "I told you, I was going to check up them...while we were..." "..." "What?", the shorter male questioned, "I...think we.." "You think..what?" "We should have some alone time.", Kokushibou said straightforward to Akaza, "Are... you..being serious?" "..." "After all the time we've been together, YOU THINK WE HAVE TO HAVE TO SEPERATE?!", hot tears were pouring down Akaza's face, "WHY NOW!?", Kokushibou stared off into space, he didn't like this, 'I think this is the best for us... I don't want to hurt Akaza... I should cool off for a bit.. yeah..', "TELL ME!!", Akaza was yelling at Kokushibou until Muzan appeared and took Akaza in his arms and disappeared again. Kokushibou felt horrible, but if it kept him from doing something bad towards Akaza, then he will do it. 

In Akaza's room

"Akaza, calm down." "How the-the fuck will I calm down?!" "Take a breather.." "NO!" "Akaza, please don't make this harder for yourself.." "NO! NO! NO!", Akaza was screaming, Muzan sighed, 'Why now? Why did Kokushibou decide right now?' "YOU KNOW WHAT!", Akaza started to giggle in a devil-ish tone, "I'M GOING TO FINALLY MEET HER!!" "What are you talking about?" "I'LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO LIVE A LIFE WITH HER.. BEST OF ALL ETERNALLY!!" "Wait.. Akaza, no." "Too bad, Muzan.. I'm already doing it..", Akaza smiled as he took out a nichirin blade out from under his bed and cut his neck with zero hesitation, Muzan tried to stop him, but he was too late, "GOD, AKAZA, WHY?!"

"Master...", Kokushibou walked in with Rui and Kaigaku, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" "I- a-Akaza..?", he saw a body disappearing with ashes tagging along, Rui and Kaigaku stood there shell-shocked."ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!!" "What..are you talking a-bout?", Kokushibou stuttered, "Akaza.. his dead..", Rui ran to Muzan and buried his head on top of Muzan's collar and wailed. "Well, he said he would do it, I guess he quit that plan, but this was his last straw. Good job..Koku..", muttered Kaigaku and he patted Kokushibou on the last part of his sentence, that broke the taller male, he started sobbing and he couldn't control it. 'Why did I do that? I was supposed to love him and protect him and- and  keep him safe and be by my side 'till we both die...', he sobbed even harder than before, "Now you care about him.", Kaigaku kept mumbling insults towards the older male who also happened to be taller than all  of them, "You've got six eyes, it means you cry four times as many tears, yet I only see a little bit.. you  don't even care..." , Muzan said out loud. Kokushibou was wandering around the castle, he then spotted Nakime, "Nakime, kill me.." " disgrace..", she grabbed her biwa and strumed one string, a wall came at Kokushibou in lightning speed and crushed him to death. 

In Hell

"So..this is hell?", Michikatsu looked around and was surrounded by fire, it didn't hurt, not even a bit. He looked around and decided that it's boring and went off to explore, he came across a couple hugging, probably an embrace, 'That man looks awfully familiar...but why?', "Excuse me..." "Hello..", said the petite lady, the man stood up and stood right next to her, holding her hand, "Akaza?" "I'm Hakuji and I do not know you.", huffed Hakuji, "Hakuji, dear, please tell him the truth, he deserves it!", Koyuki urged Hakuji, "Okay.. yes I am the so called 'Akaza'.. the one you left.", Michikatsu winced, "I'm sorry.. could you somehow forgive me?" "I'll think about it." "Sayōnara..Hakuji and.." "My name is Koyuki..", the petite lady smiled. 'I'm so sorry I caused you all this pain...I'll make it up to you..somehow.'...

Here is the Alternative Ending, I'll probably make one or two more parts, but I think this is good enough. I'm also trying to write a different story, though I may or may not make it a different ship (I'm a literal fan of Doukaza). It depends, I also might not be able to write as much as before, sorry. I'm also so close to finishing school, I'm happy! I feel like I get to personal a bit too much.. -_-




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