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Abigail Lee walked absent-mindedly along the school halls of West Wood Academy, phone cautiously balanced in one hand, using her thumb to swipe through a series of text messages. She used her free hand to flick her long brunette hair from her hands as she placed her phone back inside a pocket in her blazer with a quiet sigh. She saw her brother, Arthur, approaching her rather hurriedly. I may as well see what my little brother wants, she decided to herself as she paused and waited for him to get closer.

As soon as he reached Abigail he had grabbed her sleeve and was whisking her away quickly. "I saw them, Abigail!" Arthur insisted as he dragged his sister around a corner. "That girl who cyberbullied me!"

Suddenly Arthur didn't need to force Abigail to follow him; She was matching his pace, if not slightly faster. Arthur had only recently came back to school after taking two weeks off due to his depression worsening, and Abigail knew that it had a lot to do with a heartless cyberbully shooting down his confidence with crude and nasty texts on the daily. If anybody wanted to get revenge, Abigail definitely did.

Suddenly Arthur stopped. "That's her!" He exclaimed, pointing over at a curly haired girl who was scrolling through her phone outside the girls bathroom.

"I'll go speak to her." Abigail muttered through clenched teeth.

She left her little brothers side and stomped up to the girl who she happened to know very well indeed. "Oi, Tamsin!" She shouted loudly. 

Tamsin turned in surprise, but she didn't react quick enough. Abigail pushed each of Tamsin's shoulders against the white-painted brick wall. "Why the bloody hell did you cyberbully my brother?" She demanded furiously, her rose-painted nails digging into Tamsin's shirt.

"It was a joke, you idiot, get off me!" Tamsin tried to push Abigail away, but Abigail kept a firm grasp.

"Arthur was so mentally ill he went home for two weeks!" Retorted Abigail. "Does that sound like much of a joke to you?"

For a moment Tamsin's eyes flickered with shock, but her response showed no remorse. "He didn't even think to block me, and it's not my fault he chooses to be so sensitive!"

Abigail was ready to start fighting with her fists, but her brother whimpered in fear behind her. "Forget it. I don't want you getting hurt!" He hissed in panic, watching as Abigail reluctantly released Tamsin. The fire still blazed in her eyes when Tamsin's fist plummeted into Abigail's face without a trace of warning. It was so fast that Abigail hadn't yet reacted to the pain. She was fuelled on adrenaline, and as she lifted a trembling finger to her mouth she felt warm blood pouring down rapidly. Her teeth where Tamsin had hit her began to sting painfully, and she just about saw a few teachers racing to her aid as her vision became fuzzy. "I'm going to goddam throttle you!" She slurred to Tamsin as she felt herself weakly slump to the ground, unable to do anything as her vision began blacking out as she fell unconscious.

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