chapter 5, pt 1: world tree

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This is now her

Before going back into the fanfic I will give her a glow up as I made chapter 6 after publishing part 1 and 2 and anyways enjoy reading this goofy ahh chapter-narrator

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Before going back into the fanfic I will give her a glow up as I made chapter 6 after publishing part 1 and 2 and anyways enjoy reading this goofy ahh chapter

Valerie's pov:
'Ugh... Everything hurts so bad since I came back into the lab after leading the those innocent people and etherians from the undertale kno- catacombs to the temple, I told ramona and Celeste to find them on the temple and I hope he didn't find them, if he did then they are all in trouble now... I wondered if they are still alive tho' I said it in my thoughts as I am walking to the world tree and then I stumbled upon them as I walked into the world tree and then I blacked out I could feel that I facepalmed in the grass as my face touched the grass [omg Valerie touch grass with her face REAL]

Third person pov:
"Oh gosh Valerie!" Lilac said as she picked up Valerie and so does amelia "chez chez chez" chez said "he said we gotta heal her" lilac said "brother, did you bring a med-kit?" Lilac said to Genji "well... Duh" genji said as he pulled out a med-kit. Amelia and lilac puts her down and then genji patches up Valerie's wounds with bandages "i'll take her somewhere but I can't even pick up a human tho so someone gotta help me" one of the mabiki said "alr" Celeste said as Celeste picked up Valerie and they started going up and after sometime it started raining out "I am kinda sleepy y'all Im going into the huts and wake me up if something happens alr?" Lilac said as she goes to the huts to sleep there "guys, I am bored" amelia said "same/me too" cyanic and cynical said "so... What do y'all want to do now?" Amelia said "idk" cynical said "guys it's getting late you all gotta sleep" a totally not familiar voice came out of nowhere "wait, crescent?" Amelia said "well obviously duh" crescent said in a sassy voice "wait, what time is it" cynical said "it's almost 9 pm" crescent said as she looked at the clock that she was holding "well ok" cyanic said and then a thunder strikes "AAAAH" cyanic screamed as the thunder strikes "I am scared of the thunder" cyanic said in fear "ok, let's just go to sleep" Amelia said as cynical, cyanic, amelia and crescent entered the hut "yay, sleepover" cynical said as she yawned and sleeps on the sleeping bag that as set upped in some huts and then everyone else is asleep except the mabikis patrolling the world tree

[cynical, cyanic, crescent and amelia sleep in the hut in the middle and the others are in the left hut (lilac, chez and floral) and right huts (genji, matthieu, husky and neonik) rn]

Morgan's pov:
'They have already gotten away dang it! Only if THOSE robots didn't bonked me with these frying pans and now they are everywhere' I said in my thoughts and I Snapped my fingers and I made them disappeared [have you read maguca's info? It says 'it can make the whole town disappeared' in the info btw anyways back to the fanfic] "ugh, where are they now" I said furiously "hmm?" I saw one of my minions pointing at the world tree "oh? World tree?" I said while I grined

[Part 2 coming soon]

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