Chapter 1: Feline Feelings, Arachnid Aspirations

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*Contains Sexual Content, 18+, You Have Been Warned :)

Constellations prove that everything has a connection

Constantly showing why it's light is so worthy

A cat and a spider, an unlikely paired edition

To have what is called, their journey

Many demons will overwhelm them with pain and holler

But soon things will tend to get lighter

Because no matter how much they try to bother

This cat has fallen in love with a spider

This was a poem written by a gambling alcoholic, talking about a feminine pornstar, which is what started their romance to blossom through the gate of opportunity. The cat lost it's ability to love, but when the spider entered his life, things surely got reignited. 

The Day Of His Poem:

Husk started feeling something he thought was a stomach bug, till he realised he only gets this bug when Angel is around, slowly overtime, he realised that love returned to him, which was impossible he thought. One day Angel came back from a long day of work, which Angel was exhausted out of his mind, so much he waved to Husk, but didn't bother him with his usual digs and jokes. 

Husk had the poem in hand, but as he saw Angel walk upstairs, he felt... stuck. Do I go up there? Do I leave him alone? Will Alastor stop staring at me like that? He was stuck, till he built the courage to tell him, even if that decision came 20 minutes later.

Husk locked his eyes on the sparkle lit door, pink as it could be, room 631. Husk knocked gently, not loud enough to make Angel shit himself, but not quiet enough for him to ignore, "ONE SEC!" that flamboyant voice called as Husk patiently stood by the door, soon enough the door creaks.

"Oh, hey husky, whaddya doing here?" Angel asks the feline, smiling gently. The sense of HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHY AM I DOING THIS! kicks inside of Husk but he swallows his fear and goes for it. "Angel, I need to tell you something, can I come in?" Husk asks as Angel opens his door, gesturing his welcome.

Husk enters the room, radiating in pink, thoughts of 'I swear i'm in the hotel right?' course through his mind, but he ignores those questions and gets to the point. "Ok, I would like you to listen to what I have to say, but promise you won't laugh?" Husk explains as Angel sits on the edge of his bed, "just spit it out, I ain't laughing" Angel reassures him as Husk breathes slower then usual.

"Ok, I wrote this poem for you and I am... already regretting this but... " Husk shows his shaky breath but powers through it's tyranny "Constellations prove that everything has a connection, Constantly showing why it's light is so worthy, A cat and a spider, an unlikely paired edition, To have what is called their journey, Many demons will overwhelm them with pain and holler, But soon things will tend to get lighter, Because no matter how much they try to bother, This cat... has fallen in love with a spider" 

Husk read out his poem, half with his heart, the other with anxiety filled dread, staring at Angel's eyes, they widen a little, expecting laughs, cries, maybe anger. "I'm sorry, this is probably too much for you, I can leave if you like?" Husk says, slowly approaching the door till his walk was interrupted with long arms hoisting him up.

Their lips connected, Husk thought his dreams are getting a bit too realistic till he realised that when pinching himself, he wasn't appearing in his bed. Husk soon enough was returning the favour, kissing him tenderly back till oxygen became their enemy. 

The Cat And His Spider: Poker And PleasureDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora