Chapter 2: True Bartenders Read Faces

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"Can't you call in sick?" a soft, tired voice fills the bedroom as the best couple around adjust their eyes to the subtle light outside, Angel is already getting ready for work while the cat that said those words earlier, was still in bed. "You know I can't, besides, even if Val was ok with it, I would just have to work just as hard for the next day, he says if I miss work, I have to face the consequences, what an asshat" Angel explains as the grumpiness fills the cats throat.

Angel cups Husk's cheek as a little wag happens from the bedsheets, seeming that someone is a little happier, "you have fun at work today, get distracted with random crap, do shots, just be good, ok?" Angel setting the ground rules as Husk nods swiftly, giving him a little appreciative sigh with that nod.

Husk can't help but to tug Angel onto his chest and hold him tightly, who knew that a grumpy alcohol drinking, casino betting, cat can be so dependent on a spider that gets paid to have sex, who knew he could also be a big softie at heart, you know, the same guy that his first words to his future soulmate was "go fuck yourself", yeah, that same guy.

"Husky, you know I can't stay today, believe me, I want too" Angel doesn't physically fight back the tight grasped lock he appears to be in, "I know, just stay like this for a bit, just 5 minutes?" Husk asks as Angel sighs and hugs him back, his head resting on his shoulder, no matter how annoying his clinginess can be, (and yes, Husk is the clingier one), he knows that he can be just as bad on Sunday's when he's off and Husk has to work.

They both wished that this would last for all eternity, but they knew it wouldn't last, might as well make the most of it, am I right? "your chest is so soft" Husk mumbles which Angel heard slightly, guess where Husk's face is planted in? 

Angel giggles a little, taking it as a massive compliment, "you've said that like what, 79 times now?" Angel asks, letting Husk rub deeper into his squishy embrace "just reminding you is all" Husk answers as his head is slowly rubbed from the fingers of the spider. "Call in sick" Husk playfully demands, "god knows I want to" Angel says as he pushes Husk gently away from his naturally padded goods.

"I was just about to fall asleep" Husk admits, letting Angel giggle again, "now I am happy I got you off, I wouldn't be going anywhere with a sleeping kitty on me" Angel explains as a grin forms Husk's face, "well in that case" Husk places his face back into Angel's chest, loudly snoring to make sure his intentions are heard.

"Aw Husky, I guess I have I can't go anywhere now" Angel sarcastically declares as Husk stops his snoring but doesn't move his head away, "good" Husk replies as the head pats start to begin. A purr forms the cats throat, little tingles can be felt on the mass of fluff that is attached to Husk's face. 

Silence seems to fill the room, and they both bask into the intoxicating dream of relaxing with the one you love, soon enough, Angel snaps back to reality and looks at the time. "Shit, sorry Husky but I'm gonna be late" Angel places Husk gently onto the bed, darting across the room to get everything in order before leaving.

Husk may be annoyed that no longer shall he be surrounded with squishy fluff anymore, but he understands why Angel is like this when it comes to work, his boss is a massive douchesnozzle that deserves to burn. Husk gets out of bed as Angel gets everything together, ready to leave his sweet sweet home.

"Walk me down?" Angel asks, Husk is already in his usual overalls and hat, took him seconds to get ready, whilst Angel takes hours just to be 10% done. "Of course, besides, someone's got to manage reception" Husk answers, hand in hand, eye to eye, their door locks and are set for another day. 

They reach down to the entrance of the hotel and two certain demons are already seeming to argue, "you are getting on my nerves you know? I mean, what part of leave me alone did you not understand?" the kingpin asks, making a devious grin grow wider from Al, "oh I understand my slithery fiend, I just like to see your cold blood boil" the radio demon answers, the others seem to be having popcorn around the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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