Happy Pride Month!

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Luz > Okay, it's set up now!

Amity > So....why's a camera pointed at us?

Luz > It's to record a message for anyone who needs it this Pride Month!

Gus > That's your human tradition with all the colorful flags! Hold on, let me illusion up some flags-

Vee > Are you going to post this video online?

Gus > Are we going to be on the 'youtubes'?!

Luz > Yes and yes! Now c'mon everyone, say a nice message for anyone listening!

Amity > Uh, um...hi?

Willow > Don't mind her, she's camera shy.

Amity > Am not! I uh, wish you all the best this Pride Month!

Luz > Great momentum! Have anything to say, Gus? .....Gus?

Gus > I think I made too many Pride flags...

Vee > I can't see the floor anymore.

Hunter > At least you can't really have too many, right?

Amity > Woah! How long have been standing behind me?!

Hunter > ...This entire time....?

Willow > I hope everyone watching this has a great Pride Month! I'm still learning what it means to be L- uh... there's four letters in there, I'm pretty sure...

Luz > LGBT+!

Willow > Right! We don't really have those words where we come from, but that doesn't change who we are! So no matter what, remember that there's always others like you out there. You're never alone!

Amity > Aww...that was really sweet, Willow!

Gus > My message is uhhhh....I really like your cool flags! And uhh...Luz told me all about 'Stonewall' and how LGBT people are treated here, so I think it's really brave of you to be yourself! Even if no one knows yet, just being 'out' to yourself is really cool!

Luz > Great message, Gus! Who wants to go next?

Vee > H-hi, I'm Vee, and I'm queer, too. I think it's really empowering to be a part of this community. We are creative, powerful and beautiful. Also, we have the best memes.

Luz > So true, Vee! Okay, was that everyone?

Hunter > H-Hey! Why does everyone keep forgetting about me?!

Luz > Oh, whoops! Have anything to say, Hunter?

Hunter > Uhhh....well, I...I know that there's a lot of people in the human re-I MEAN, totally normal world I've always lived in-who ah...say a lot of mean things about anyone who's 'different'. I know how heavy of a weight that must be. But someday, your circumstances will get better-just like mine did. And someday, you can be your true self, without having to worry. You'll get there, trust me.

Luz > .....

Amity > ......

Willow > .......

Gus > .....

Vee > Oh hey, there's a pill bug on the floor.

Luz > That was literally the best thing I've ever heard someone say.

Gus > Now I wish I said more than I did...

Willow > I think the part about being brave and cool was really nice of you, Gus.

Amity > Is this how you got Luz an A+ on that motivational speech project?!

Luz > Heyyy, don't admit my cheating online!! That's confidential!!

Hunter > I...just said what I felt? I don't think anyone cares what I say, anyway....

Vee > Hey guys, I found a pill bug.

Luz > No no no, we are definitely keeping that in. Also, no self-deprecating, remember?

Hunter > Right, yeah.

Vee > Whichever Pride flag you crawl onto is your identity, okay little bug?

Luz > Anyway, I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Pride Month! Never be afraid to be yourself, and no matter what the future brings, remember that you're loved! This is Luz and friends, signing out!




Vee > Hey guess what, this pill bug's a Lesbian!

//Happy Pride Month! Fun fact, I wrote this in thirty minutes.//

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