chapter 1

42 1 18

I woke up in my cold room, shivering I walked over to my mirror noticing the bruise on my cheek. I went to touch it but winced as I did.

I sat at much vanity thinking about what had happened the night before. Reliving the pain I had felt as my step father hit me across my face.

My mother had just stood there obviously drunk. She still didn't even make an attempt to stop anything.

I sighed as I shook of the cold feeling and stood up  I heard a loud ringing noise coming from my phone.

I walked over to my phone and picked it up.

"Hello!" I heard on the other end of the phone.

I immediately recognised the voice of my best friend Tiffany.

"Oh hey Tiff" I said tiredly.

"You sound tired" Tiffany huffed.

"I am" I replied.

"Well you can't be tired today you know what's tomorrow!!" Tiffany quickly exclaimed.

I didn't reply trying to think of what she was talking about.

She noticed my silence and decided to break it.

"You didn't forget did you?" Tiffany said sounding upset.

To be honest I did but I didn't want to tell her.

"Uhm no" I said.

"What tomorrow then?" Tiffany said.

"Uhm forgot?" I said giving in I literally had no idea.

"Ugh!" Tiffany huffed.

"Stop huffing and tell me!" I exclaimed.

"We're going to that Bon jovi concert tomorrow ring any bells? They're literally your favourite band girl!" Tiffany said.

My mood immediately changed I had completely forgotten about the concert. Bon jovi has to be my favourite band and not to mention Jon bon jovi he's literally so cute!

"I totally forgot!" I said quickly.

"Seems it" Tiffany huffed. 

"I'll come over at 7 tomorrow to pick you up ok? I would come over and help you get ready but my moms taking the car out for a stupid meeting or something" Tiffany said.

"That's ok!" I said.

"Ok see you tomorrow!!"  Tiffany said.

"Bye!" I said putting the phone down.

I looked up at the clock and it was only 10 so I thought I'd go out for a walk for a bit.

I brushed my teeth and got changed into my Bon jovi band shirt and put some bell bottoms on.

I left the house and there was no sign off my parents. They were probably black out drunk or something.

I walked around town for a bit noticing a few Bon jovi posters scattered around.

I looked down at my watch and it was already 2. I rushed home. I only rushed because I didn't want my mom too go fucking crazy on me like she always does and then my step dad steps in. Funny that.

I rushed home to see my mom already waiting on the porch by the door. She was leaning against the wall smoking her life away.

As I got closer to the door my mom dropped her cigarette and grabbed my hair.

"Get the fuck in that house" she said.

To be honest she doesn't scare me. She used to when I was younger but I'm not scared anymore.

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