Sonic x Shadow (Starbucks)

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A month had gone by since Amy's birthday party; an April 1st that would live in infamy to some. Ever since that day, the day when the train, the one that turned out to be owned by Eggman, went haywire. Sonic was still a little shaken up; it's not everyday that you watch a train fall in love with the conductor and then try to deliver you to Eggman. All had been forgiven though, in all honesty. Sonic held no ill intent towards Espio over what he had done, and was only a little bit salty about the whole Hot Honey concert. Sonic didn't like Hot Honey, it wasn't that by any means, Sonic had just been offended that Amy and Shadow had gone together. Everyone knew that Sonic had taken it personally, he had never been well at hiding his emotions; Shadow had promised that he would make it up to Sonic soon. Sonic had vowed that he would never go on a train again, almost dying on one tends to make you feel that way. Today, however, Sonic would be breaking that vow and getting on a train. Although, it was different this time; Sonic knew for a fact that this train wasn't secretly owned by Dr. Eggman. That's because this train was owned by his dear friend, Blaze; apparently Blaze had grown a deep love for trains after that day, which was only a little bit unsettling. With the help of Espio's new extensive knowledge about trains, Blaze was able to put together her very own train. She had attempted to reach out to Barry, aka Fruitcake, to ask if they would like to come work with her, but apparently they won millions in the lottery and now own a grocery store; needless to say, they have their own stuff going on now. Sonic had yet to visit the train, but he was very excited to see what Blaze had managed to put together; she was very talented, after all. Sonic boarded the train and was instantly stunned; this train was massive. The more Sonic looked around at the different cars, the more that he realized that this looked more like a mini mall than a train; there was a casino, multiple restaurants, a small movie theater, and even a Starbucks. Granted, Sonic had never been to a Starbucks before, but he had heard good things about them. Tails, Amy, and Rouge were big Starbucks fans and often tried to get Sonic to tag along, he just never had the time. Heck, even Shadow was a Starbucks fan; Shadow only liked to eat the coffee beans, though. Sonic thought it over for a few moments and decided that there was no time like the present to try Starbucks. He glanced around for Blaze to see if she was on the train, he wanted to congratulate her on her business before he did anything, but he couldn't find her. Sonic shot her a quick text, and raced for Starbucks. Sonic walked into the Starbucks train car, everything smelled pleasant and the place was very clean; however, Sonic was not a fan of the overwhelming amount of the color green. Sonic glanced briefly at the menu, trying to find one of the most caffeinated drinks; ultimately, he decided on the blonde roast coffee with an extra shot of espresso, of course. "Hey," Sonic gestured for the waiter. "Can I get a blonde roast coffee with a shot of espresso?" The waiter turned swiftly to face Sonic. "Will that be all?" The waiter's voice was chilling and calm, a look of shock painted across his face as his eyes met Sonic's. "Shadow?!" Sonic exclaimed. "Since when do you work here?" Sonic was in disbelief. "Sonic?!" Shadow lost all composure, dropping the cup he was holding. "Since when do you go to Starbucks?" Sonic collected his thoughts for a moment, "I just wanted to try something new and- wait, you didn't answer my question! Since when do you work here?" Sonic repeated his question, this time more stern. Shadow regained his cold demeanor, and grabbed a new cup; discarding the dropped one in the trash bin. Shadow took a deep breath before he spoke, "Blaze needed employees and asked me if I would be willing to help out until she could find some employees. Was that all you needed?" Shadow remained calm. "No, that's not all! I have a ton of questions! Is that your locksmith uniform? Do they let you eat the coffee beans? Can I get a discount? Do-" Sonic was cut off by Shadow. "Yes it's my locksmith uniform, yes I can eat the coffee beans if nobody's looking, no I won't give you a discount, and I wasn't asking if that was all you needed to ask, I was asking if that was all that you needed to order." Shadow's voice and expression were severe. "Oh," Sonic felt a bit awkward. "Right, uh, yeah, that was all I needed to order." Shadow turned around quickly to prepare Sonic's coffee. "Y'know, you look pretty cute in that uniform; I never did think it looked like a locksmith anyway," Sonic leaned against the counter as he spoke. Shadow slightly turned his head, not enough to meet Sonic's eyes, but enough for Sonic to see the dark blush that had began to appear on Shadow's face. "Do you have to do this while I'm at work?" Shadow's voice felt slightly warmer than before. "Can you just wait in line like a normal customer?" Sonic exaggeratedly rolled his eyes, Shadow had always hated public displays of affection; truth be told, Shadow hated anything that made it seem like he had emotions. "Fine," Sonic's voice dripped with hubris, "I guess I'll just have to use every ounce of my power not to flirt with the cute barista." Sonic was being smug, and he knew from the way that Shadow's steps faltered that it was getting under his skin. "Please, just shut up," Shadow was practically whispering at this point, scared that his emotions might slip through the cracks and reveal themselves. "Do I get a reward if I behave?" Sonic smiled slyly. Shadow chose to ignore him. Within a moment, Shadow had returned with Sonic's drink, placing it on the counter for Sonic. "Thank you, sweetiekins!" Sonic remarked, picking up the cup. "Don't call me that," Shadow stated, his face rapidly changing to a deep red. "C'mon, you know that you like it," Sonic slowly took a drink of his coffee. "Whatever," Shadow mumbled. Sonic examined his cup, admiring how neatly Shadow had written his name; right beside of Sonic's name, Shadow had drawn multiple hearts. Sonic smiled, "I'm glad to see that you still love me," Sonic glanced at Shadow. Shadow motioned for Sonic to come back to the counter, "Of course I still love you, moron." Shadow pulled Sonic slightly over the counter, bringing him into a passionate kiss. "Was that my reward for behaving?" Sonic smirked as Shadow let go of him. "No," Shadow replied. "Unfold your receipt, faker," Shadow never would stop calling Sonic that. Sonic unfolded his receipt and his eyes grew wide with excitement. "Are these concert tickets to Daniff Punk?!" Sonic loudly exclaimed, everyone in Starbucks briefly turned to face him. "Yep, I figured I owed you a concert." Sonic pulled Shadow onto the counter a little, placing a quick kiss on his lips before letting go. Sonic heard someone clear their throat, and he turned to face them; it was Blaze. "Blaze!" Sonic exclaimed. "I like the train! It looks great!" Blaze stared for a moment. "Thanks," her voice was like ice. "You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself, but please let my employee get back to work; we don't offer those types of services on this train." Sonic gave a thumbs up, Shadow was petrified, and with that, Blaze nodded and left. "S-so, I'll see you after work?" Sonic asked, sheepishly. "Of course you will, Sonic." Shadow smiled, a rare but welcome sight. Sonic was glad he got to see Shadow today, too bad he couldn't stick around; but Sonic left knowing that he would see his lovely husband, Shadow, once he got home.

Sonic x Shadow (Starbucks)Where stories live. Discover now