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Jay and Lee were breathless by the time they made it back to Jay's house, hopped the back fence and bolted for the treehouse. Head and shoulders drenched in sweat, Lee suggested that they hide up there for long enough so that when Jay's father returned home, it would look as if they had spent their summer vacation day doing nothing out of the ordinary. Jay agreed to this fully, not wanting to have to make up some lie to his father. His foot was only on the second rung of the treehouse ladder, however, when he heard the dreaded sound of his own name in a deep, forbidding voice.


Jay froze solid, while Lee tripped and tumbled off the fifth rung. He toppled over Jay and hit the ground with a thud, clutching his chest as the wind was knocked out of him. Jay turned to attention and put on an innocent face as a heavy-set man in paisley and corduroys marched across the yard, hands balled into fists. It wasn't being hit that Jay feared; his father was not a violent man by any means. 

"Hey, Dad. Whats-"

"You have some explaining to do young man!" The words blasted out of his father's mouth like a heat ray, scorching Jay in their path. "Come with me!"

Jay shook himself, then reached down to help Lee to his feet. Together they followed Jay's father into the small living room space. Seated on three of the five orange squashy armchairs were three men in dark suits. Jay's Dad stopped abruptly, placed his hands on his hips and turned about to glare at his son.

"Well?" He demanded, as if there had already been sufficient explanation of the problem.

"Well... what?" Jay replied. 

"Its alright, Mister Carson." One of the besuited men cut in, getting to his feet. He seemed to be in charge, though was clearly younger than the other two, and shorter. He had a skinny yet nimble look about him, and eyes that suggested considerable intelligence. 

"What is this about?" Lee piped up. 

"You both know damn well what its about! Lee, I'll be telling your father about this too, don't think I-"

"Mister Carson," The young man in charge repeated, "It really is fine. Your son and his friend are not in any trouble. They haven't done anything wrong. Actually, I'd like to congratulate them on what they have just done." He reached down to shake Jay's, then Lee's hands in turn. "My name is Balian, and me and my associates from Bluenorth have just been admiring your handiwork at the fem-burrow you cleared this afternoon."

Jay and Lee shot glances of excitement and pride at each other, but shared apprehensive feelings. Whatever this man said, they had been rumbled. Mister Carson turned pale and slowly sank into one of the free armchairs.

"Cleared... fem-burrow... my God..." 

His eyes glazed with shock for a moment, then found his son again.

"You could have been killed!"

"It was dangerous." Balian nodded, a hand on Jay's shoulder. "And I would not recommend you doing it again any time soon. But it showed real initiative. It shows you are committed to the cause."

"We are!" They both spoke at once, and Jay followed up, "I hate girls! I want to make sure none of them get away!"

Balian patted his shoulder lightly before straightening up. Daring a sideways look at his father, Jay thought he saw a hint of pride flash across his face.

"Very good. But," Balian's tone dropped a little lower, and his brow creased, "I will have to ask you something very serious now boys. We have reason to believe you may have found this location by releasing a girl you had caught yourselves, and tracking her movements. Its very important that you answer honestly here. Do you have any other girls or women locked up somewhere?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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