But Satisfaction Brought It Back

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TW: Descriptions of gore and torture

He finally asked, not being able to help himself from asking questions about her.
"Just wanted to chat.. I haven't talked with anyone in years.." She admitted, looking down at the ground, making him feel a pang of sympathy for her.
"Well... how old are you--? You look really young to be a mass murderer." He asked, making her huff out a laugh.

"I don't know, I lost track of time after the few years of being dead... but I think I was about.. 14 when it happened." It came out in a quiet, solemn tone, but it was audible enough for Albert to hear. "... why'd you kill all of those innocent pe-" "They weren't innocent. None of them were."

She cut him off, not even needing to glance up to know he knew exactly what he was referring to. "They all watched me die.. and did nothing about it..!" Her voice had risen in anger, causing Albert to jump a bit at her sudden burst of emotion.
When she caught herself, she let out a sigh of frustration. "Fuck.. sorry.. sorry.. It just bugs me.."
Albert shook his head, still looking down at Angelita. He wasn't sure of why but somehow, despite everything that has happened, he had a hard time believing that she was the same person that died years ago.
Nephthys must have noticed that he was still staring at her, and she looked at him sheepishly. "What are you staring for..?"

He looked away quickly as soon as he realized he was, but didn't respond verbally until he had calmed himself down.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Depends on what it is.."
"How did you die?" He blurted out without thinking about his choice of words, and immediately regretted it.
The only reaction he got was a cold glare and silence. She turned her back on him, walking up to the TV and turning the dial on it, flicking through some channels to watch something.
The cat looked at him again and meowed softly, as if warning him of something.

He glanced between the cat and the couch where he sat.
He walked over to the cat again and sat down next to it, staring at the screen. He looked at the screen, seeing that it was starting to play something.
"OK Nephthys, you ready to graduate?" A woman's voice could be hear, along with the view of Nephthys, but she looked more alive-- and definitely more happy.

"I am.." She spoke proudly, looking up at the camera.
"You're a lot stronger than you were in your younger days..." The woman commented, smiling. "I can see that.." Nephthys said, giggling slightly as she looked down.
"Alright.. You've worked hard. Now come to the main room and we'll continue the ceremony."

The scene changed and suddenly showed a group of people gathered in what looked like a church.
"There are quite a lot of people attending today.. What are they celebrating?" The woman asked curiously.
"Oh my dear, it would appear they are throwing you a party! I'm so proud!" Another woman responded cheerfully.
Something felt off to him, this didn't feel like a happy tape of her moving on to high-school..

The woman placed Nephthys in the center of the room, there was a large slab of concrete next to her, the woman laying her down on it.
"Dear family members! We are all here today to see my sweet daughter, Nephthys... finally rise up to her full potential..!"
So the lady was her mother.. he made sure to take mental notes on her appearance, but he couldn't do it fully as he watched her put the infamous rabbit mask on her face.

She started twirling her hair, pulling the mask up, putting it in place on her face. The rest of them seemed very excited by this, clapping and cheering as she stood up, posing dramatically like she had won the lottery.
He took notes on how she moved. She was confident, graceful, and confident-- But Nephthys looked confused.
"Mom? What's going on..?" "You've finally grown up, so now that your old enough.."
He felt sick to his stomach as he heard the next words, but he couldn't look away.

"You served us well, now we offer you to our great father." "What-?! Mom I-" She couldn't finish the sentence as she felt arms hold her down, it was her older brother and father. "Stop! Please-!" Her cries filled the air as her struggling grew weaker and weaker, until she was completely subdued. She couldn't move at all, unable to defend herself nor make them listen to her pleas. "It's ok, darling, it's alright.." They told her in soothing tones.
"Mom... Dad.. Don't.. don't- PLEA-"

Her mother had taken out a large blade, and stuck it directly through Nephthys' heart, ending her life in mere seconds. He watched in horror as the knife came out, blood spewing out if the wound on her chest.. There was one last cry of anguish from her mouth before it stopped echoing around. All of a sudden, she fell dead to the floor, blood staining the floor. Everyone cheered and celebrated.
But then the tape ended, not before showing a graphic picture of the young girl, but instead of the wound I'm her heart he was expecting to see..

**really bad gore starts here**

It was her lifeless body, her intestines now splattered all over the ground and her throat slit open and her eyes missing from the socket , her face was horribly disfigured by the blade that killed her. The image looked like a horror film from hell, with her eyes staring out, with bloody tears running down her cheeks. His breath hitched in his throat.
The TV then cut to static, and then to a children's show.

"What. What the fuck..?" He muttered under his breath as he tried to process what he just witnessed.. He felt as though someone had ripped his heart right out of his chest, leaving behind this horrible, hollow feeling.
He looked back at his watch; it was 2:50 PM. The house was silent, except for his shaky breathing. Nephthys looked at him.
"You wanted to know." Was all she replied before walking out of the room, leaving him alone.

After a few minutes passed, and he still hadn't managed to calm down from what he saw, he decided to leave for the day.
He pet the cat once more, then sprinted out of the house, not wanting to even see the TV itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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