The Theogony Part 1

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*We see Khaos all alone with a messy galaxy between him*.....................

Khaos: Hmmm, what should I do?

*Markus Appears via poof*

Markus: Oh god, entering that door was weird as fuck!

Khaos: Who are you?

Markus: Markus, yours?

Khaos: Uh, I don't know my name.

Markus: Oh, thats sad.

Khaos: Is it suppose to be important?

Markus: Uh yes, ya need a name to remember yourself by.

Khaos: Uh, I can't think of anything.

Markus: How about Khaos, this place is full of misplaced planets and galaxies.

Khaos: Khaos? .... I like that name.

Markus: Ok kid, your now called Khaos, and I now have to fix this mess, I'll be right back kid.

Khaos: Ok Markus.

*Meanwhile at the Main Universe*

Tempest: Where the fuck is Markus!

Daniel: I don't know.

Lorenzo: I think I know where he is.

Y/n: Really where?

Lorenzo: Ya know Tempest here is my creator right?

Daniel: Yeah so what?

Lorenzo: What if Markus was taken by his creator.

Y/n: Oh no

*Cut to the Greek Mythology*

Markus: Jesus christ these fucking planets and galaxies are hell to reorganize like holy shit!

Khaos: Sorry Markus.

Markus: Nah its fine kid, and since we're now the only Primordials here, I guess we wait for more to pop out.

Khaos: What do you mean?

Markus: Im gonna count in three, two, one *He snaps his fingers and Gaia, Eros and Tartaros appears*.

Gaia: Woah!

Eros: Where are we!

Tartaros: I don't know to be honest.

Markus: Welcome new people!

Gaia: Who are you?

Markus: My names Markus, yours?

Gaia: I don't know my name?

Eros: I don't mine either?

Tartaros: Eh I don't know.

Markus: Oh god, this is gonna be hectic but here we go. Ok *He points to Gaia* Your name is Gaia, your gonna be the concept of Earth, *He points to Tartaros* Your name is Tartaros, gonna be the concept of the Abyss, *He points to Eros* Your name is Eros and your gonna be the concept of love.

Gaia: The Earth?

Markus: That one *He points to the Earth* Basically your gonna be the maker of life, your gonna have to make your own partner.

Gaia: Oh ok.

Markus: Eros your basically a matchmaker, here are love arrows and here is your bow.

Eros: Neat.

Markus: Ok Tartaros, your gonna be a like prison maker, you make the places of punishment and prisons thats it.

Tartaros: Ok Dokie.

Markus in Overly Sarcastic Productions, specifically Greek MythologyWhere stories live. Discover now