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The next morning

Ella woke up to kitty gone she got up and open the door all three boys was at the door "she's gone Ella says walking past them while putting her long black hair in
A ponytail.

"Sweet minho says

"Dae, have you seen this video? It's kind of blowing up I bet Yuri's loving this drama minho says "I don't particularly care kitty says Ella turn and hug her sister "Kitty. I thought you left Ella says "I did, but then I decided to stay. And not that it's any of your business, but this isn't all about a boy mom went here, and... I don't know, being here just makes me feel closer to her than I ever have. And... Wait, Dae's on TV? Kitty says

They all watch the video while Ella went to get dress she walks out to see men walking in with boxs and minho directing them "you hired movers Ella says giggling "yes I did minho says smiling at her .

Kitty came out and said the same thing minho smile drop "Kitty, you're still here minho says "yes i am kitty says "I'm going to call Campus Police and have her forcefully removed but leave Ella Minho says " hey Do not call Campus Police on my sister Ella says minho listens . "Dae, we need to talk. Now kitty says .

knocking on door "Hey, so we gotta go now, or we're gonna be late. I'm leaving this open minho say "Dae, now Q says .


I get through my first class which was professor Lee class . The bell rung me and kitty got our things and was about to go when he stop us "Ella rose covey after looking at your test scores they was very very good you scores is higher then an average student professor Lee says I smiled "thank youu i say

"Kitty song covey After looking over your test scores, I've forwarded your name to the tutoring office professor says "Oh, great. I used to tutor kids back at Adler High in Portland. I started taking AP classes as a soph... kitty says

"Not to be a tutor. To be tutored. You're well below the level of your peers, and the work only gets more challenging professor says "Oh kitty says sadly "Report to the library after school. They'll you assign a tutor. Professor says

We walk out "is you okay i says "yes kitty says walking away from me

Minho came up while i was walking "hey you look sad minho says stopping her "I'm definitely okay i say "oh really then why i see a tear minho says wiping the tear while looking down at her "its just my sister is mad at me but I don't know why i say "hey its okay if you know you didn't do anything don't worrying about it okay minho says Ella nod

"and no gorgeous girl like you should cry over that minho says Ella laugh "there that's beautiful smile minho says smiling and they continue walking to class together while smiling and laughing .


Me and minho sit down in class when my sister walk in "Congrats, Kitty. Right on time the teacher says and she comes in sit infront of us while minho smiling and telling me jokes , when he turn around his smile drops when he see kitty "Can you please get out of my life? Minho says

"Trust me, I don't wanna be infront of you either kitty says "You need to go home.
Dae has made his position clear The longer you stay, the more pathetic you look minho says "No pimply-faced playboy tells me about my relationship kitty says

"I haven't had a blocked pore in four years minho says "Oh, well, it looks like one's coming in right kitty says pointing at him Ella just chuckles at the two fighting kitty eyes moves to Ella "I'm sorry for getting mad at you because your test scores is higher than mines and every student in this building i know i was wrong kitty says

Ella smiles "its okay but good thing i can tutor you ella says then kitty and minho return back to their fussing "Are you supposed to be in this class? Professor Finnerty, I want a new lab partner.
Portland Stalker is in remedial classes. Minho says

"No.That's not true, and don't you dare call me that name again kitty says "You mean "Portland Stalker"? That's the unfortunate thing about nicknames They tend to stick minho says

I suppose that's true... Poopy Baby kitty says Ell just look between the two "What did you just call me? Minho say "uh oh Ella says quietly "You heard me kitty says

"Everybody can pick their own lab partners, but quickly professor says kitty get up Ella was about to get up but minho grab her hand "stay minho says Ella smiles and stay . "I will stay but you have to stop calling my sister Portland stalking Ella says "okay only for you love minho says Ella smiles



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Sweet girl / xo . Kitty - minhoWhere stories live. Discover now