HAPPY PRIDE MONTH (Special chapter)

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HELLO, AS A CELEBRATION OF PRIDE MONTH, I SHALL MAKE THIS CHAPTER. now this will have the same rules as the shut in ep, it will be a special that takes a break from the main story, so the next chapter will pick up where the last left off! ENJOY!!

-Luz has come online-

Luz: everyone... Do you know what today is?

Hunter: nope

Willow: hm?

Amity: uhm Luz

Luz: shhh, not now batata

Lucia: Luz wtf is it now?

Luz: it's.... PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!

Lucia: ohhh ya

Sprig: ?

Hunter: what's that?

Aguston: fr, even ik what it is man

Luz: it's the month to celebrate, well, gay ppl, and everyone in-between

Hunter: hm, cool

Willow: wait there's a month for that! That's awesome!

Wionna: oh God

Luz: what?

Wionna: your not gonna paint everyone's faces are you? I'm gay but.. I don't really wanna do that

Ed: c'moooooon

Em: yaaaaaaaaa

Wionna: meh, I ain't a festive type that's all

Gus: so it's like that time I made those illusions for you and your mom when you came out?

Luz: yup, but for a month ^^

Amity: Luz

Luz: yes love

Lucia: Love?

Luz: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm trying it out

Lucia: ooookaaay, whatever you wanna do otter

Amity: Luuuz

Luz: hm?

Amity: you sure you should be doing my hair while you text?

Boscha: your hair?

RC: hey guys, quick pop in sorry

Willow: hey, haven't seen ya, sup?

RC: ok, so RC is actually an old thing in my phone, no one really calls me that lol

Luz: wdym?

RC: well it's old, like fr old, so I may update it

Willow: what do ppl call you then?

RC: well most call me Red

Amity: Luz careful

Luz: dw ik what I'm doing

RC: so I may change it to be accurate :)

Willow: hm, cool

Boscha: ok that's yk whtvr, buuuuut what she's dying it purple for you?

Amity: no, apparently in the human realm there are flags for different sexualities???

Luz: yup

Boscha: what's that got to do with hair?

Amity: well, for a lesbian it's brown and a few others, so Luz is dying my hair 'my flag' ?

Luz: yup!

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