The Concert

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AN: we'll be meeting the other main character this chapter. It will be London's pov but later down the line we'll switch between characters.


London's Pov:

"Damn it!" I hissed in pain looking at my finger realizing I had just cut it, I licked my finger clean of the blood beginning to brood.
I couldn't afford take out tonight like I had every night so I decided to take what ever ingredients I possessed and make tacos. It was easy and cheap. I just despised cutting tomatoes cause I'm not exactly an expert at cooking. I sighed finishing up the dicing and set the tomatoes aside. There was knocking at the door and I just hollered for them to come in

"Hey, what's cooking? Or well burning I should say"

Ben was so fucking cocky.. And I began to brood even more

"Whatever dude just help me out"

I demanded becoming irritated even more when I kept getting popped by the hamburger meat.
He just laughed and came to my aid, I stepped aside watching him finish up. He was actually a great cook, he has been taking home ec
since 8th grade.

"Thanks Ben, when do we need to head out?" I ask since I wanted time to get dressed and to straighten my hair .

"Here in the next hour, it's about an hour away and doesn't start for another three hours"

I nod and grab the taco shells starting to make him and I tacos .
We finished a while later and I went to get dressed. I grabbed my favorite pair of black skinnies and white docs, pulling on a black shirt to complete the outfit.

"hey London come in here I bought us matching hats! "

I walk into the living room and see him putting on a black snap back that had a white patch on the front with the words "PVRIS" stitched in cool font.

"PVRIS? What's that?"

I question curiously and he laughed at how I pronounced it.

"It's Paris but they ran into legal things and had to make the 'A' upside down. This is the band we are going to see"

I didn't know who they were but I was still excited about going.

"You'll love the lead singer. She's hot and gay"

He said still fixing the hat. I smirk to myself. That means that the girls there would most likely have the hots for the singer or be completely gay. What ever the case I was going to have a good time.

I grab the snap back and put it on backwards and grab my car keys.
Even if I moved out I still owned my own vehicle. A black 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. My mom and dad bought it for me for my 18th birthday and I loved it even if I didn't speak to them anymore.

"Ready Ben?"

I ask giving him a 'are you done checking yourself out in the mirror look' and he turned from the mirror walking to the door

"Whatever you know I'm hot."

He flashed a shit eating grin that caused me to roll my eyes and follow him to my car.

The drive seemed to last forever but blasting some loud EDM to get us pumped made the ride a little fun. We get there and immediately I noticed that everyone had some sort of PVRIS merchandise on. Whether it was a hat, or a shirt . I glance at Ben then around at girls who either just got into highschool or have been out for a while.

"Damn.. Ben you brought me to a fuckin' kid concert!"

I glare at him and grumble crossing my arms making me hiss in pain from the cut I had on my finger. Damn it , I'm bleeding again. I must have cut deeper than I thought. I look around for a bathroom so I can go clean up my cut, I spot one and tell Ben I'll be right back. He just waved me off and began to walk around looking for a good spot in the mosh.

I walk into the bathroom and grab a paper towel placing it over my finger to stop the bleeding.

"nasty cut you got there."

Holy shit.. Who's voice was that. I look up to see a brunette smiling down at me slightly.

"You okay?"

I just nod unable to make my brain function correctly. What the fuck! She's so gorgeous! Please tell me your not a 9th grader ! No way she's way to developed for that.

"Can I see your finger?"

She asked becoming concerned and I show her the cut. She hissed and examined it further.

"You need stitches."

My eyes widen and I pull my hand away slightly which made her frown.

"No I'm fine thanks.."

I said trying to sound cool. And she just chuckled and shook her head.

"Don't be stubborn, c'mon the aid tent is just outside. I'll walk you if you'd like?"

I really didn't want this moment to end even if it was in a smelly ass bathroom so I just nod and proceed to follow her out of the bathroom.

"T-Thanks by the way.."

I look away feeling embarrassed.
She just laughed.

"It's not a problem. I couldn't let a pretty girl bleed out in the bathroom."

She kept looking forward and walked into the tent talking to someone and then looking over at me and a man walked up with a advanced first aid kit sitting in front of me and I just laid my hand down.

"Good call bringing her here. She will need a few stitches.. How'd you get this cut?"

I blushed and bit my lip feeling humiliated about how it happened.

"Cutting tomatoes."

I look over at the girl who brought me here and she just started laughing causing me to glare slightly and then she stopped flashing a beautiful smile which made my heart melt.

"Well this will only take a few minutes"

The man said to me and I nod hissing while he began to patch me up. The girl tried to distract me by asking questions.

"So you like PVRIS?"

I look at her and reply

"actually I've never even heard of them. My friend brought me cause he had an extra ticket"

She smiled and nodded

"Well. I'm Miley, I hope to see you in the mosh pit?"

She flashed another smile causing me to blush..

"Mines London.."

She chuckled and walked passed me .

"See you Tomate.."

I had no idea what that meant but I'm pretty sure it was an insult so I glared at her back then soften when I see that she had a nice ass..

Tomate? What the fuck is a Tomate? I was going to find her and ask her as soon as this guy was done stitching me up..

Miley huh?

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