I Found Life

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When Autumn hails, carve for me.
When Winter thrives, sled for me.
When Spring chirps, plant for me.
When Summer reigns, camp for me.
Carving gourds, humming carols, raising gardens, chasing balls.
Watch the trees' green canopy and I will watch it, too.
Picnic and I will sit with you.
The shadows of our woodland's grace will be our equal covering.
I am not abed the dirt, so do not seek me there.
Find me in the world. Free. Untethered.
I dance across limbs above you. Hear my rustling steps.
My song is in the rainfall. My chortle in the storm.
The sea sways with me. 
Fowl soar with me.
I am the unbound river forcing a trail, undammed.
Find me in the words on pages, the scent of the pages, the crinkle as they turn.
You see? How can I be lost to dirt when I am finally alive?
Cheer for me as I cheer for you.

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