my tribeI finally found my tribe - my experience at youth group

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I remember when I first walked into the youth group room; I felt like no one knew me. I was twelve years old, and I had been feeling so alone in the world. Then I saw lily, a twelve-year-old girl who was just like me. We connected right away, and I knew that I had finally found my tribe. In this memoir I'll share my experience at the youth group and how it changed my life.

Something was making my stomach feel weak. I had always felt like an outsider at school, never quite fitting in with any particular group. I learned to find people who would accept me for who I was, but I didn't know where to start. One day my nan suggested I try out youth group at our local church. At first, I was hesitant, unsure of what to expect. But as soon as I walked through those doors, I felt a sense of belonging I had never experienced before.

You can go to the youth group at Bundaberg Baptist for $3. That's where I found my tribe. Before I found real friends, I often felt lost and alone. I didn't have many friends at school, and I didn't feel like I fit in. But that all changed when I walked through the doors of the church. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. played games and had snacks, and we even had a dance-off! It was so much fun, and I felt like I had finally found a place where I belonged. I continued going to youth group every week, and it became the highlight of my week. I made so many new friends, and we all shared a love for God. It was amazing to be surrounded by people who supported me and cared for me. Youth group helped me grow in my faith and become more confident in myself. It's crazy to think that just a few months ago, I was feeling lost and alone. But now, I feel like I've finally found my tribe.

So many people were nice and welcoming. I had always felt a little lost in social situations, but the people at the youth group made me feel accepted. They didn't judge he for her quirks and embraced her for who I was. During one of the sessions, we even had a dance-off, which I initially felt hesitant to participate in. However, the encouragement from my newfound friends gave me the confidence to join in. It was a moment that I would never forget, and it helped me feel of accepted and belonging. I finally found my tribe at youth group, and I can't wait to continue going and growing with them.

I felt welcomed into the group as soon as I walked in. Everyone was friendly and eager to get to know me. I was hesitant at first because I didn't know anyone, but that quickly changed. We played games, talked, and even had a dance-off! It was so much fun, and I felt like I belonged. I couldn't believe that just a few weeks ago I was feeling lost and alone. But now, I had found my tribe and I couldn't be happier. The youth group was exactly what I needed, and I couldn't wait to go back next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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