A letter to the hero

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For you who saved me from what they made me

My hero

My beloved hero,
If you are reading this, then i did it..
I made it my hero , I became a hero like I always wanted to...
Hmmm, I'm smiling as I'm writing this. Because I know you are smiling too
See, I was right, wasn't I
This world full of heroes couldn't accept a villianess like me,
But in a sky full of bright stars, you saw me, the dark black hole.
I've been a villain my entire life. But I was a good villianess doing the most evil things in the best way .
I know what you're thinking. Oh, you've never been a villain. You were the one to save them all.
Oh baby, I've always been the villain for them. I might have saved them at the end . But who could forget the torture and trauma I've inflicted upon them .
I've always wanted to be a hero.
I saved any animal that was hurt. Gave kids ice cream when their one fell.
But I was always known as the villain who would hurt them why because I was born in a family of villians. They left me and didn't wanna be my friends and talked behind my back and blamed me for everything that went wrong.
They hurt me because they knew I wouldn't even touch them as I was the villain who wanted to be known as a hero. Despite all my efforts, I was a villain
I finally had enough and fulfilled their wishes. I became the cruellest villianess in the history of humanity. You know already what all I did. I was not the kindest. I detested humans for making me as a villian. But then I met you someone who saw me for who I am.
At first, I hated you for pitying me, but damn you have talent. I fell for you. I knew you would be the one to remove me from this world. But I couldn't help but fall for you. I thought to myself that if someone showed me the same kindness,I would have never become a villain. The time we spent together learning to fall in love was the most precious. A hero who couldn't love and a villianess who longed for love, we made a good match don't you think.
My love, I knew that the world would only find its peace if I left it. And I would have gladly died. But after I found you... I wanted to live a bit longer.. I wanted to be selfish. I wanted more of your love.
I'm sorry, my love
But I had to leave , and I couldn't die leaving you to rot in regret and guilt.
I know you wouldn't be able to kill me.
But I had to die. That's the only way we could be happy.
The world wouldn't accept our love.
And I knew the people meant the world to you.
But my love, you were my world, and I'd do anything to protect my world.
If I stayed, you would never be happy
Because u would always be confused about whom to choose as you were a hero after all.
But I'm a villain and I chose you.
Gosh, I'm a villain. The people never meant anything to me.
So my love, don't feel guilty... I sacrificed myself to save you.
To save you from guilt.
You didn't kill me. I chose my love for you over this world. I chose my world over the people.
But for you, my love
You changed me, I lived as a villain, but I died as a hero. Maybe not for the world, but I'm definitely your hero
You fulfilled my wish
I became a hero as I always wanted to.
Thank you, my love
Now I must say goodbye.
Keep holding on to my memories
I want one to be selfish on last time
Don't forget me, love.
For I'm the villain who died to save the hero.....

....... My Hero......

Your evilest villainess


Tears fell on the paper.
One after another..

And as he sat there on the ground reading the letter, flashes of that day filled the hero's head..

The splatter of rain ....
And the falling body of the villainess

The hero ran to his villainess... as her stiff body lay on the ground, barely breathing
He cried and wailed
His cries were tormenting
He held his lady close to his heart, crying and begging her to live
She put her weak hand on his cheeks, caressing it softly as she says
" Don't look at me like that love, I'm still a villain, I just saved my world and it cost me my life"
He cried harder. " Why did you do it? It's my job to sacrifice. Why would you leave me again?" he sobbed
She gave a little laugh. " I'd do it a million times if I could,"
She looked at his glistening eyes
The once cheerful and loving eyes looked as if it were dying of pain it looked so broken
It broke her heart. " That's why I'm a villain, my love , I only bring pain and sadness."
With these words, she left
Her body faded, leaving no traces behind except for the memories in the hero's heart.
The world usually brightens as soon as the villain is killed ... but I guess even the world knew that it lost a hero, not a villain that day.


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