chapter 3

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As he got done saying that he started talking in ancient Greek and pain shot through my bones. When the pain disappeared I felt a heavy wait on my back. The wings were covered in stars.
"I was only able to give you the power to turn in to one animal so pick one and that will be your symbol." Chaos told me.
I thought of an animal and choose the Wolf. Lupa would be proud of me."What about my other wish?"
"Make me a list of the people you want and I'll try. It might take awhile to get them all without alerting Hades or Thantos."
I wrote my list and Chaos promised me one of them by morning.
I then walked around the castle until I found a room with my name on the door.
I opened the door and I walked into my room.
Chaos came in behind me and told me"all you have to do is think of what you want in your room and it will appear you can also remove it if you want to redecorate at any time"after he said that he left me and I started on my room.
I put a king sized bed in the corner and put a wall sized TV across from it. I thought of designs fory wall and each of my adventures were on my wall from when I got the lighting bolt to when I defeated the giants. I then put a desk in the corner then against the last wall I had a small weapon wall. It had riptide on it and two other spaces for more swords. There were holders for hunting knifes and daggers. There was even an assassin cloak and mask. When I was done I called Chaos to my room.
"What is it Percy?" He asked
"Can you teach me how to make a sword?"
"Yes do you want to start now or tomorrow?"
"Now" and with that we flashed away into the castles forges and he taught me how to make sword knifes daggers and scythes. He also taught me how to make them into rings necklaces pens and tattoos.
---------------------time skip100years-----------------
We were in the middle of a battle with some weird looking monsters that had antlers on their heads and had k9 teeth. Then some more monsters that live on that planet came at us as I was slicing the head off one another came up behind me and almost killed me until hammer stepped in front of the monster is taking the dagger. Beauty screamed and killed that monster. She went into a rage and started killing monsters left and right with me. I heard a sickening thud and I turned to see beauty with a dagger in her chest. All I seen was red. I couldn't let another member of my squad die because I wasn't paying attention to them. I pushed all if my squad into a portal before closing it and finishing the monsters off. I opened another portal and walked into the throne room with the two dead bodies of Silena and Charlie beckondourf. Joker and silver were ferious while everyone else was mad. Even Chaos flashed in and started yelling at me and how I could've been killed for my stupidity. He then realized the two body's and stopped yelling. He called four guards to take the body's and to get them ready for a funeral. He made everyone leave and closed the door after them.
"I'm sorry Percy."
"My names not Percy its Omega from now on." With that I walked to my room and redid it. When I was done it was all black with only books weapons and a bed. There was also a spot for my wolf pup that I found on a planet full of wildlife. The pup had lost her mother to another animal and found me. After that she wouldn't stop following me so I named her and brought him home. Her name is huntress because her pack has constellations on their chest and hers is the Huntress. I went to bed with His ntress next to me.
---------------------time skip 5000 years-------------
As me and my team finished our mission a portal opened up in front of us and we jumped in before appearing in the throne room. You may be wondering what I mean by team. My team is the Chaos elite group. It consists of me, silver, joker, black silver, Christina, Jack, and Luna. As I step into the throne room Chaos appears with a sad smile.
"What is it father?" You may be wondering why I called Chaos father and that is because a 20 years ago Chaos adopted me to be the heir to his throne because it was coming near to his time to fade after watching this world and the repeating cycles its gone through he knows it will be under control in my hands.
"You have to go on another mission but this time its personal for you and the others who you rescued from death. I'm sorry son but you have to go back to earth and save camp half blood again." He looked at me before giving me a file with the information in it. He then gave us 1 hour to get ready before we left to go to Olympus.
As I sat on my bed a knock came at my door.
"Its Omega not Percy" I cut the person off.
"...can I come in?" The person kept talking like I never spoke.
"Sure" my door opened and silver walked into my room. She closed tge door behind her locked it then sat down beside me and put a hand on my shoulder."its OK to show your feeling to us we're your friends but since they died your so closed off."
"It was my fault Zoë if I had been paying attention around me I would have seen that knife then Charlie wouldn't have died and if he didn't die then Silena wouldn't have gone into a rage and noticed the knife coming at her. Its my fault that they died." I stood up and walked to my desk so Zoë wouldn't see my tears.
"Its not your fault you were a beginner back then Omega." She came up behind me and turned me around. I faced her and put my head on her shoulder while wrapping my arms around her waist. She hesitated and I let go before saying sorry and walking back to my bed. She went to follow me but tripped on my rug and ended up laying on top of me."I can't decide if this is more embarrassing or not then me crying in front of you."
She smacked me and got up."your an idiot. Its time for us to leave."
We left to go to the throne room and found everyone there.
"Put on your cloaks and masks and stay behind me.Omega they made some people immortal and if you see them at the meeting I'm sorry just don't kill anyone.ok?"father told me while I put on my mask.
"I'll try but no promises."
"All you gave to do is deal with them for five minutes because after that your going to guard the hunters. You are to never be alone if you head in to camp half blood if you are in camp Jupiter then you can be alone." He told me while
Getting the portal ready.
"But Chaos what about me and Bianca. We were hunters once. Also why do we have to go to camp but not per..."
"Omega that's not fair!"
"He will kill everyone there you will not."
With that we walked through the portal.

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