0.3 The return in 2012...

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In thire office..

Rajiv: hmm ok guys take your place, ok pri here is the 2018 card you can widrow Mony, this card is joined to your current bank account ok. And you're lugged I have packed everything you need no unnecessary things ok.

Pri: hmm

Rajiv: hey what happened you should be happy now, it's the time Finley camed..

Pri: ya I know it's but am nervous am going to meet kitoo after 26 year ..

Rajiv: hmm just trust yourself.ok ok guys cammon

go pri stand their..

Rajiv: riya Start the mashin, jitu type the date 2012

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Rajiv: riya Start the mashin, jitu type the date 2012. 5 pm morning.., Anubhav give power..ok

AI lady.count down beginning, big blast....

Anubhav: ahss what was that this was more big blast then before

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Anubhav: ahss what was that this was more big blast then before..

Rajiv: Hass yes cause this time time was increased.. everyone's okk. Hmm all the best pri ...

Now it was time 5:10 in dark morning...she reached in 2012 ..

Pri: wow that was a big blast I hope everything and everyone is safe, hmm where am I . This place is not familiar to me,I think it's because it's 26 years.. sadonely it starts to rain chill wether and thunderstorms...

Pri: ha what this was left, oh god thanks I have something to cover at least my bag

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Pri: ha what this was left, oh god thanks I have something to cover at least my bag ..she was all walking getting drenched in rain on dark sclint rod ..

Sadonely she swa a hotel...she intered..

Receptionist: oh mam you are totally wet..

Pri: ya it was late to reach here what's the time?

Receptionist: it's 5:30in morning mam.

Pri: what hmm can I get a room here?

Receptionist: yes why not mam, here are your roms keys..

Pri: hmm excuse me can you send a hot chocolate shake up.?

Receptionist: yes why not I'll send the waiter..

She left the reception and went up to her room, wow what room number 111what a spiritual number what is going on form this morning..
She intered and tooked a hot water bath and changed her clothes..she went in the balcony..

She( hmm it's still chill, where are you kitoo look I have camed to you crossing the seven seas...I..my eyes are tiered of waiting, I want to see your smile again...the door bell ringers..the waiter..she opened..

Waiter: yes mam here is your order..

Pri: hmm her is your tip

Waiter: thanks mam..

She closed the door and diled a number..

Person: are you ok...

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