005, Deny Deny Deny

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"Well that was fun." JJ says happily as we steer away from the motel.

"Could've warned us sooner." I jokingly scoff.

"We would have, except Pope was on the math team." Kie responds.

"You were on the math team?" JJ asks Pope, confused.

"Dude I remember that, I had to cover your shift on the day you had a huge competition." I say excitedly, happy to bring up that memory. "You said you would give me your tips, and you never did." I pause. "I'm still waiting." I say tauntingly. Pope rolls his eyes.

"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene." John B says, changing the subject.

"Probably because it was." Pope said clearly.

"Did you guys find anything else?" Kie asks. JJ smirked at me and we both reached for our back pockets.

"Did we find anything? No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, we did." JJ says pulling the gun out of his back pocket and I pull out the stack of money I took from the safe. I look around happily, seeing Kie and Pope shocked looks and John Bs slight smirk.

"What the hell? Dude, what?" Pope said, still shocked.

"Dude, chill. Come on." JJ says completely relaxed.

"Why take that from a crime scene?" Pope says with concern, rushing over to look at the gun and money.

"Better than cops having it." JJ says lightly.

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship." Pope says pacing back and forth.

"No you won't." I say reassuringly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Sh, sh, sh. sh, sh." JJ says as he holds the gun up to Pope's lips. Pope rolls his eyes and pushes JJ away.

"At least you have us, right?" JJ says smirking at Pope.

"I'm living the nightmare." Pope groans.


On our way back to the chateau, we were stopped by a large crowd of people  gathered around what looked like a crime scene. "What the fuck." I mutter as we walk past the crowd. JJ puts his arm around my waist helping me navigate through the people. Police cars and ambulances are parked everywhere. John B looks over at a girl we know from school.

"Who's that?" He asks, nodding to the body being lifted into an ambulance.

"It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got." She says, showing us her phone. I look at Kie in disgust.

"What kind of boat did he have?" John B asks calmly. I turn to look at him with a questioning look on my face.

"Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady-White. Everyone's out looking for it." She says nonchalantly before going to show other people the photo.

"Holy shit." I mutter.


" Okay. So, um... we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia." Pope says pacing back and forth on the chateau porch then flopping down on the couch next to me.

"Actually, Pope's right for once." JJ says, walking over to lean against a wooden railing." See, I agree with you sometimes."

"Deny, deny, deny." Me and JJ say at the same time. That was the phrase used to always say when we were younger and would get in trouble. I give a soft smile and turn my attention to the stack of money on the table.

"Guys, we can't keep that money." Kie says like it's the most obvious choice.

"I can." I say seriously, making Kie roll her eyes.

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