Chapter Nine

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"It stinks back here," said Andred.

"Hush," she said. She had dragged him behind the trash bin and was anxiously feeling his cool skin with the palm of her hand. "Are you going to be all right? What is happening to you?"

"It's hard to explain. I tried to knock myself out – it's a Time Lord thing ..."


"Yes, that's right," said Andred, blinking in surprise. "It was risky, and, as it turned out, unnecessary, as I have a friend in one of the officials here."


Andred gaped at her. "Uh, yes, that's right." He gazed at her and waited for the explanation.

"I heard his name from Tyman. He's the one who rescued the rest of us. He's Armonon – but a spy. He's here with an alien, a Ryzek called Boerwyn. The three of them – Boerwyn, Tyman, Turquoise – are all involved in some scheme."


"We don't really have time to go into it, and we don't have to bother about it now, anyway, as long as we can get you back to the hideout. Rodan and Nesbin are on the way to the TARDIS. We'll be out of here soon."

"I wore myself out escaping from Turquoise's office." And he told her, whispering, of dragging himself to Turquoise's wardrobe and nicking the robes, of sidling through the courthouse halls, ducking into side rooms and bathrooms to avoid meeting anyone, while his legs turned slowly back to jelly. "They need a bit of rest, but I should be able to go – and go longer – in just awhile," he assured her.

"Tyman! Tyman!" Nesbin threw the cloak off himself and stumbled into the house. His hoarse shouts died on his lips. Tyman lay spread-eagled on the floor – alone. He had a bright red mark on his forehead. Nesbin shook him roughly until he woke, groaning.

"Son of worms!" exclaimed Tyman, sitting up and looking around. "Where is Rodan?"

"What happened?" Nesbin asked, helping him to his feet.

"Rodan!" cried Tyman, running over to the stairs. "Rodan! ... It was Boerwyn," he explained, rubbing his forehead. "We confronted him. He was pissed off at Rodan. I remember him grabbing for his gun. That's all I remember."

Nesbin went cold. "Rodan!" he shouted. "Rodan!"

There was a thunderous knock at the door. Both men started at the noise, and looked at each other.

Nesbin said: "There's a lockdown on the City. Someone assassinated a whole bunch of officials. That's what the announcement was all about. They're conducting house-to-house searches."

"Fools! The assassin is probably in the wine cellar of the courthouse, drinking to his own success. You need to hide -!" 

 There was a second knock and cries to 'open up – now!' It was Leela. Tyman sprinted to the door.

Nesbin helped Leela get Andred into a chair. Leela sat down next to him, breathing heavily. "We had to dodge several patrols," she complained. "What's going on?"

Nesbin explained.

"The Color Council – assassinated?" gulped Andred. "I don't believe it! Turquoise. ..."

"Not the entire council," grunted Tyman.

"Oh," said Andred. "Oh! Someone's neck is well in it." He sighed.

"Leela," said Nesbin. "Boerwyn's gone off again – and we think he took Rodan with him."


"She's missing."

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