The meeting to end it all

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Stolas shot up in a panic. Once his breathing slowed, he looked around and found himself in his bedroom. He took a deep breath, relieved to be back in his bed. These days his dreams were filled with nightmares about Striker and Stella. He peeled back the cover and used the headboard to balance himself. Ever since his run-in with Striker, he struggled to walk and balance himself. Slowly he walked over to the closet and grabbed out his formal attire. Looking at the garment in his hands, a flood of memories rushed into his mind. He stared wide-eyed as flashes of that dreaded day replayed in his mind. He was shaken from his trance by his phone going off on the nightstand. He got dressed before checking it. A slight smile crept across his face as the name Blitzy♥ popped up.

Blitz: hey r we sil meating up tonight

Stolas let out a sigh before responding: I'm afraid not. I have a meeting with Asmodeus, and they tend to run into the night. You can drop the book off with my staff, and I'll have one of them drop it off at your office in the morning. Unless Would you like to pick it up before work? 

Once he sent the message, there was a knock at the door."Come in," He said with the last of his breath. The door slowly creaked open, revealing a small Imp with horns that wrapped tightly to the side of their face. The small imp bowed before speaking. "Your Highness Princess  Octava is off to school."

"Thank you, pringels. Is that all you came here for? Stolas said calmly.

"Actually, no. Queen Lillith is Down in the main hall. She said that she was here to collect you for a meeting with her and Lucifer."

Stolas's legs gave out in shock, barely catching himself on the door. Why in hell was he being called to a royal meeting? He looked up at Pringles, looking at him with pure fear, ready to help him if it came to that. Straightening his posture, he spoke in a near whisper, "Thank you, Tell Her that I will be down in a few minutes."Pringles bowed before turning to leave.

Stolas quickly shut the door and then walked a full-body mirror. He smoothed down his feathers and straightened his outfit. The longer he looked at his reflection, the harder the memories returned. As He went to fix his right pant leg, a larger white scar caught his eye. The violent memories flooded his mind as He winced in pain. Taking a deep breath, he straightened his posture and headed for the main hall. Once he reached the staircase to the main hall, he gripped the railing tightly to keep his balance. Slowly he made his way down to Lillith.

"Good morning, your Highness," Stolas said with a bow.

"Stolas, you know you can just call me Lillith. I've known you for your entire life," Lillith said with a smile." Come, the limo is waiting outside."

"Limo?"Stolas questioned.

" I figured that it would be easier for you. Since your still having trouble with that leg of yours."

Stolas didn't argue he hadn't used a portal since that horrific day or any of his powers, except for levitating things. The truth was he didn't trust his powers anymore. Slowly he walked out the door towards the limo. The door to the car was being held open by a small sheep demon. "Thank you, Collin," Stolas said with a smile while stepping into the vehicle. Lillith followed soon after.

"So, Collin has been doing a good job lately?" Stolas asked, trying to make small talk as the car moved forward. 

"Yes, he has been doing a fantastic job. It's hard to believe that it's only been a few months since Luci found him." Lilith answered with a smile on her face. She looked up to a worried Stolas. "You not in trouble if that is what's bothering you, darling. Luci wanted to check up on you after you left the hospital."

"Thank you for trying to ease my mind. However, both of you usually call before a meeting is arranged. There's more to this than what you're telling me."

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