I'll be there

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" Are you sure you don't need any help looking?" Stolas asked with his phone to his ear. He was pacing back and forth in the living room. " Alright, please let me know if you find anything." Hanging up the phone with a sad look.

" So, What's the verdict?" Blitzø asked, Patting the seat next to him.

Stolas walked over and sat down." Lucifer and Lillith are sending out as many troops as they can spare. Were you able to get ahold of your employees?"

" Yeah, they said that they would be here in a few. Then we can head out to look for them."

" Lillith insists that I stay at the palace until they locate the girls. She thinks this might be Stella trying to lure me into a trap."

" Come on. Via would never go with her if she thought your life was in danger."

" Well, you see, the thing is that I never told her that it was her mother who put the hit on me," Stolas rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

" What the fuck, Stolas? She deserves to know. Expesualy, if her life could be in danger." Blitzø said while pointing his finger at the owl.

" Stella might be cruel, but I doubt she would harm her daughter."

" Well, I guess it's a good thing she already knew."

" How does she know?" Stolas' eyes widened in shock.

" She asked me not to tell you," Blitzø said while playing with his shirt.

" Blitzø if our daughters are in danger because of that bitch. I need to know what Octavia told you."

Blitzø fitted with his mom's choker, " Fine. She said that she overheard Stella and her brother discussing the assassination." 

" Is there anything else she told you,"

Blitzø looked up at Stolas, grabbing his hands, " Just don't go crazy." Stolas stared at Blitzø before nodding. Blitzø took a deep breath," Stella threatened to kill  Via if she told you about the attack."

Stolas slowly stood up. His fist clenched at his side. Unable to hide his anger, his feathers turned black. " That BITCH, she thinks she can hurt our daughters. I'll show her who she is messing with."

" STOLAS, calm down. Running their guns blazing will only put the girls in more danger than they already are." Blitzø pulled the owl into a tight hug.

Calming down, Stolas returned to normal. Falling to his knees, pulling Blitzø in tighter and breaking down. Tears streamed down his face, " I can't lose her, Blitzø. She is my everything." 

Blitzø lifted Stolas off the ground, carrying him over to the couch. Setting him down before wiping the tears out of his eyes," Let's wait till M&M get here before we decide what we want to do." Stolas nodded his head, tears still falling. Blitzø wrapped his arms around the owl, Kissing him on the head." We'll get them back, I promise."Two Imps walked in on the scene. Blitzø looked up, meeting their gaze, and a blush crept across his face." It took you two long enough." 

 " Sorry, sir, we were in the middle of something when you called," Moxxie explained.

" So, where do you think we should start looking first, B," Millie asked.

" I don't know. Lilith and Lucifer sent out a search party looking for them," Blitzø said while rubbing Stolas on the back.

"Did they send any to Earth?" Moxxie asked.

Stolas's eyes went wide. Standing up and running to get his grimoire, flipping through the pages looking for one spell in particular and taking a deep breath before casting the spell. Slowly a glimmering bubble appeared. The three imps stared at the prince in shock. Slowly an image appeared within the bubble. It showed two girls sitting in an Earth jail cell. 

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