Dilly Dal(lying) (3/3)

144 11 365

A/N: time jumps ahead and lots of dillying🫠

in which Dalvin develops a proclivity for acts most may deem unsavory.

Parkline Chicago—Highland Park, IL



The heavy sound of rain and thunder drown out the squeak of the mattress and banging of the headboard

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The heavy sound of rain and thunder drown out the squeak of the mattress and banging of the headboard. The svelte body of man connects feverishly with the woman of his frequent utopian dreams. The slight part of her lips beckoning him to bend down and claim them as his own in an arduous entanglement of lips soft as plush pillows. A loud echo from the moistness follows fueling the hunger coursing thru his veins even more. The sloppiness their enmeshed lips produce stirs the familiar strumming in the pits of washboard abs.

"I told you I was gon come didn't I." He mumbles still melded onto her like hot iron.

Not missing a stroke, his crafty fingers pop buttons on the denim jean dress that was restricting his excursion of her land. He pulls the previously bunched fabric over her head quickly then removes the flimsy piece of lace that was pushed to the side. The day reimagined from the massacre of a gang, to the massacring of her most private part. He was cutting it close with the reality of another broken promise, but managed to make it to their meeting place before the stroke of midnight.

He slid into the parking lot at 11:50 pm and was sliding into her at 11:59.

"You did." She whimpered feeling the softness of his lips at her neck then trailing down to her goosebump covered chest.

Slipping out he flips them til she's on top of his slender waist a devilish glint fills her eyes. Her hands glide down his muscled chest, until she reaches his hardened piece still bedewed from her essence. The feel of her nimble fingers elicit a whistled hiss from his lips.

"What took you so long?" She mewls near his ear still torturing him with slow long strokes from her small soft hands. If even possible his eyes darkened and his breath hitched painfully in his throat. Moments like this is where she felt like she was the one with the upper hand. "I was thinking you forgot about little ole me Daddy." She cooed dragging a coffin nails down his chest. She finished her teasing by pressing her mouth to his left nipple. The feel of her tongue swirling the chocolate chip was as pleasant as it was jarring.

Biting his lip his glazed eyes drown in her form. The melanin of her skin making his mouth water even more. Lifting up he claims her lips back not liking too much time of separation. "Never that baby." It comes out in a mumble. "I'm here now tho that's all that matters."

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