respect your elders, jean boy

158 6 36

Summary: Eren is one week older than Jean, a little fact he ensures Jean never forgets.
Word count: 10.7k

As the rest of his class played in small groups, Jean Kirstein sat by his lonesome.

Kindergarten came with several challenges. Jean struggled with being apart from his mom for an extended time, his uniform didn't fit right, and he hadn't made a single friend yet. During the rare instances his classmates interacted with him, it was usually to tease him. Jean was the chubbiest kid in his class, earning him some unpleasant nicknames. His teacher always intervened, but that only helped so much. Friendships couldn't be forced.

So like any other day, Jean spent recess alone in the sandbox. Truthfully, he enjoyed the solitude. At least no one was around to call him names.

Besides, his mom packed his Captain America action figure to take to school today. It was Jean's favorite toy and all the company he needed. Captain America sat beside him, soaking up the sun's rays while Jean built his sandcastle. When it was completed, he wrote his name in the sand with his index finger. Ever since he learned how, he wrote it whenever he could. It made him feel grown up like his mom.

He clapped and rubbed his hands together to rid the excess sand that stuck to his palms. Then, Jean reached for Captain America to place him on top of his new creation.

Problem was, another boy snagged him first.

"Hey," Jean said as he stood up, "that's mine."

The boy's eyes softened as he pulled the action figure to his chest. "But I wanna play with it. And you're not using it."

Eren Jaeger. Prior to now, Jean spoke to Eren a total of two times. The first time being when he thanked Eren for sharing his blue paint during an art activity. The second time being when Jean brought his stuffed pony to present for show and tell and Eren was in the room.

Behind Eren was Armin Arlert, another boy Jean had little interaction with. But hey, at least neither of them were any of Jean's frequent tormentors.

Still, that was no excuse for Eren to take Jean's favorite toy.

He reached for it. "I am playing with it. I made him a castle."

"That's not fair," Eren replied. He rotated to the side to shield it from Jean's view. "I want a turn with it."

"No," Jean whined.

He maneuvered around Eren and attempted to retrieve his toy. He got a hold around Captain America's shoulders and tugged. Eren kept his grip around the legs and tugged back. The longer they went back and forth, the more frustration spread across their little faces.

"Let go, Eren!"

Eren didn't let up. "But Mr. Smith says we have to share!"

"Stop, Eren," Armin cried out. "You'll break it."

Eren wiggled the toy out of Jean's grasp, but his pout didn't subside. He pointed at Jean as he addressed Armin. "Tell him he has to share with me."

Jean crossed his arms. "Tell him it's my toy and I don't have to share."

Armin, the shortest of the three, stood on his tiptoes as he peered at the sky. He swayed back and forth as he pondered a solution. When he came to one, his eyes went wide. "Got it! Who's the oldest?"

Eren scrunched his face. "Why?"

"You have to listen to people who are older than you," Armin said. "It's the rules. My grandpa said so."

Eren turned to Jean. "How old are you?"

"Five," Jean answered.

"Me too. When's your birthday?"

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